Update on Q – IOTW Report

Update on Q

We ran a post earlier this evening where Jack Posobiec claims to have had an interview with Q.

My observation on Twitter is that not a lot of people are paying attention to Posobiec’s exposé. It certainly isn’t making the kind of impact one would expect considering Q’s vast reach. The majority of people who are weighing in are not in support of either Posobiec or One America News Network, the site that released the video of Posobiec’s interview. They are unmoved by claims they have been “duped,” many saying it doesn’t really matter who Q is because he inspired them to do their own research and are better Americans for the effort.

This is probably the best reaction one could have hoped for. Lots of “oh, well, ƒuck it, I’m done” reactions would have meant a goodly amount of lethargy out there. The last thing we want are people who only need the slightest resistance, or disappointment, in order to bail. It sounds to me like our side is engaged, enthused, alert and have faith. That’s bad news for the left. If this was an attempt to crush right-wing souls, it’s not working,




25 Comments on Update on Q

  1. This here Q thing confuses me. Q always made those helpful devices that kept 007 from getting killed and yet he always let them get F’up. Seems maybe I need to start paying better attention to current topics.

  2. Joe6pak

    You need to repost that twitter link. Because after all, thats where Q and 8 chan have been headed since the get. Funny thing is I think must of us know this to be true. Now Hannity has a contributer on several times saying she has inside information that the unredacted files will shock America to it’s core. (Sorry, can’t remember her name). Joe6Pak, give Mrs. 6Pak a high five for me. That twitter link is a leak from someone way up high.

  3. Posobiec must have been on vacation when Q asserted that there would be no OUTSIDE comms.

    This is why Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi have been exposed as the hacks that they are. They both claimed to have insider info on Q like Posobiec has.

    Something tells me OANN is about to lose someone on their news team.

  4. Brad, here is my comment from the previous post, including the link. mrs6pak appreciates the high 5, she is an animal on this stuff.

    OK, I’ll let you see how nuts a supposedly normal looking guy can be. Even though this lady is named SuzieQ I don’t think she is affiliated with our Q. jpm, Q is different from QAnon. Q being the singular entity, and the QAnon’s being those that are attempting to interpret what Q is saying. With that being said, Q is not alone as being someone on the inside with a story to tell. Here is a link to multiple tweets that will show how those of us tin foil hat guys see what is possible. Feel free to ridicule, I hope to be shown something better.


    I love this shit!


  5. Trump’s been holding off on the document dump. Which tells me it’s brutal. He needs to do it well before November, but he needs to get his SCOTUS appointment approved before the dump. Or maybe not. Lot’s of strategerery going on. LOL To quote a globalist piece of shit. Well, gotta go, MicroDick is asking for another bitch slap. This guys got a drug problem. I’m not joking.

  6. I’ve got a gf in her 70’s who is so into reading about Qanon and the NWO, Bilderberg, etc. I found out about that stuff a decade ago but she is very excited to discover it so this seems to ring very true from my point of view. Also anything about the Vatican is of interest

  7. dee

    Yup, That skipped my mind. Q was pointing fingers at the Catholic Church month ago. Pedophilia has been front and center. Still is. So I guess we could say that’s another Q accusation that’s bearing fruit.

  8. This guy is so much fun.

    2 minutes ago
    i already posted the logs, did you miss it?

    This comment was sent under Microchip’s post. View post
    Brad Cason
    Brad Cason @Bad_Brad
    Or what. If I’m Q, I no longer sweat your shit since your self imposed dead line came and went. Face it. You’re a pop corn fart. I’m very disappointed. This could have been fun.
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    Brad Cason
    Brad Cason @Bad_Brad
    And exactly how does that shut down Q tomorrow? That’s not what you promised. Tomorrow I’m posting Captain Kirks Star date log. Same effect.

  9. TO Anonymous
    Timing is important in any “October Surprise”:
    it* has to be EARLY enough to have an impact on voting (more and more these days…to include early mail-in voting)
    it has to be LATE enough so the opponent can’t mount an effective response before said election.

    Enjoy the show!

    * Whatever that “release” may include….

  10. There is a renewed Vigor in many True Conservatives because of “Q”, and we are far more powerful than the Lib’s could ever hope to be.
    Lib’s need to be lubricated with Cash to Unite and accomplish a task, we Don’t need anything but Justice and Truth to get us going.


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