Update On Rockville HS Rape Case – IOTW Report

Update On Rockville HS Rape Case


Declaring that the state did not have enough evidence to sustain charges of rape, Maryland prosecutors have dropped the charges against the two illegal immigrants,18-year-old Sanchez Milian and 17-year-old Jose Monteno, who reportedly assaulted and attempted to rape a 14-year-old at her school.

It seems the 14-year-old had been texting one of the accused and had arranged to meet in the bathroom for a sexual encounter, but with only the 17-year-old Monteno.


They aren’t going to pursue statutory rape either, because there isn’t enough age difference between victim and perpetrator. Prosecutors are considering charges of child pornography, so you can just imagine what authorities found on their phones.

13 Comments on Update On Rockville HS Rape Case

  1. Unfortunately, in Maryland, the age of consent is 14 IF the other party is not more than 4 years older. That said, if it was my daughter, the perps would be looking forward to a .410 ga. circumcision.

  2. Just to be sure I’m clear on this : if a girl consents to having sex with a guy, he is free to bring along a friend and anything goes? Does this only work for illegal aliens? Or can white college guys get away with this too?

  3. Doesn’t the girl have a FATHER or a BROTHER with the will to avenge the girl on these monsters? If it was my daughter or sister, I’d be counting on jury nullification to be acquitted of murder.

  4. I love it evertime my shitty communist state gets a story on here it’s worse and worse if you have never been to md pg county and Baltimore city choose everything for the rest of us. the rest of the state is country.

  5. Saw a report that the child porn on his phone was actually a 30 sec video the victim sent to him of herself in shall we say a state of undress. When I saw the defense atty on Tucker Carlson stating with conviction that it would come out that this wasn’t a case of rape, my heart sank at the thought this would be used as proof we’re all racists and the poor illegals got railroaded.

  6. It’s difficult for MD to be-clown itself worse than ordinarily, but it continues to “define deviancy down,” as Sen. Moynihan so aptly put it.

    Glad to be out of there.

    izlamo delenda est …

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