Update On The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting – IOTW Report

Update On The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting


4:00pm EST Police/FBI/DOJ Briefing:  •9:54am initial call to 911; •officers dispatched 9:55am; •11 fatalities (no children); •six injuries including 4 police; •suspect used rifle and 3 handguns; •suspect Robert Bowers, no prior police contact; •suspect acted alone; •motive appears hate-crime, antisemitism.  MORE HERE




Bowers yelled “All Jews must die!” KDKA reported, and he was reportedly armed with two pistols and an AK-47.


Another post from Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers. His profile clearly illustrates that he’s a Nazi, admired Hitler, hates Trump, believes Trump is controlled by Jews, he did not vote for Trump. That’s all I was able to archive before his profile was wiped. Sickening.

More on the anti-Semitic shooter’s Twitter and GAB accounts, here

20 Comments on Update On The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

  1. If this guy had walked in and said, “Fuck all you Jews!” and walked out, doing nothing else, the news would’ve reported it with the exact same intensity as the shooting, no different. The democrat reaction would’ve been no different. This is why I find it hard to give much of a shit anymore about anything. I’m sorry those people died. I’m sorry that asshole shooter is still alive. But, the non-stop hysteria, vitriol, and yellow journalism spinning everything in the exact same anti-US, anti-Trump, anti-male, anti-family, anti-white, anti-rights direction every time has taken its toll on me. I just don’t give a shit anymore. We have to beat the globalists or we’re screwed as a nation. End of story. I don’t care how many freaks get their marching orders from the deep state or their imaginary friends to do yet another shitty thing. Drop the hysteria. Stay the course.

  2. I guess I am not properly “woke” to this whole joo thing. I am VERY sorry that anyone (joo or otherwise) was killed while peacefully practicing their religion. Places of worship are “no gun zones” here in the commonwealth and I refuse to be another fish in a barrel. This asswipe is nucking futz and needs to be put down like a rabid animal……. that stated, it is my humble opinion that a whole bunch of futhermuckers need to dangle from a short rope from a high (sturdy) limb.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Tony R October 27, 2018 at 6:33 pm

    “That’s all I was able to archive before his profile was wiped. Sickening.”

    So who wiped his profile? And why???

    TPTB always wipe the criminals social media, they do not want copy cats, or anyone adding fuel to the fire. Good that you archived what you could just for historical value. There’s plenty like him out here, just lurking around waiting for the opportunity to gun down the next group of people minding their own business. I try to stay out of crowds and aware of my surroundings at all times – that includes inside stores and restaurants. None of us have any guarantees.


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