Uploader of Motorcycle Accident Asks “What Are the Odds?” – IOTW Report

Uploader of Motorcycle Accident Asks “What Are the Odds?”

The odds are pretty good when your situational awareness is pure shit, your reaction time is like a tortoise humping, and your clothing is ill-advised for a motorcycle ride.


24 Comments on Uploader of Motorcycle Accident Asks “What Are the Odds?”

  1. Learned that early in life with a muffler.
    Didn’t crash but became a much safer rider and driver.
    Can’t count the times I’ve seen people hit ladders, furniture and other assorted novelties.

  2. Look up “Randy Mamola Highside Save 1985.”

    I only crashed once and it was a customer’s bike, a 1986 Yamaha FZ600. Denim jeans vaporize when they contact the pavement. I had leather on everywhere else and popped several seams on my jacket and gloves, and it wasn’t a bad crash. I was a bike mechanic for a few years in the 80s. Haven’t been on one since ’91.

  3. I’m going with high. Had to be. Mesmerized by a big yellow….thing…that young fellow didn’t even react when the whole thing came loose.

    Technically speaking, he should have wheelied over it or hit his jet boosters.

    But everyone on here is correct. Don’t tailgate. Anticipate threats, ride sober and put on some pants ya’ crazy knucklehead.

  4. I’ve told this story before here. The building right across the street from our use to house Track and Trails warehouse. Track and Trail were very popular in all the malls. At least in Cali. The owner was a hard working guy. Nose to the grind stone. One week he finalized his divorce and sold his biz all at the same time. She was a total bitch. He was pretty down to earth. No matter. He stopped by to say good by to his employees on his brand new Fat Boy. Got killed on it on the way home.
    So now when I say something stupid, like I’d like to buy a Harley my wife beats me about the head a neck.

  5. Having poor situational awareness, slow reaction time, and inappropriate clothing can significantly increase the odds of encountering problems or accidents during a motorcycle ride. Situational awareness is crucial for identifying potential hazards and reacting in a timely manner, while a slow reaction time can hinder a rider’s ability to respond effectively to sudden changes or dangers on the road. Additionally, wearing ill-advised clothing, such as inadequate protective gear, can leave riders vulnerable to injuries in the event of an accident.

  6. Brad,

    I bet that guy wishes that he bought a Fat Max Hammer instead of a Bat Boy & bashed her head in.
    He would be out by now.

    I won’t even ride a bicycle on these Smart Phone infested roads. I take my chances in the Woods with the Mountain bike & those DAMNED TREES that Keep Jumping out in front of me. (broke 2 ribs in June)

  7. Kcir, you are correct sir.
    Stay away from mankind, people suck.
    Hell, the sidewalks aren’t safe to walk on here in Vegas.
    Assholes on fast moving electric scooters and bikes illegally driving on them.
    They will run your ass over and not stop.
    Cops DON’T DO SHIT!
    Fuck the police, and fuck joe biden*!

  8. Been on the street biking since 1974. Never follow anything pulling a trailer. I live in SOFLA. The roads are covered with crap that has come off or out of them. Seat cushions and coolers out of boats. Lawn equipment off of the lawn guys. Ladders. Pieces of tire from a blow-out.


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