Upon Learning That O’Keefe Had Infiltrated the Crooked Clinton Campaign They Returned Money They Knew Was Dirty – IOTW Report

Upon Learning That O’Keefe Had Infiltrated the Crooked Clinton Campaign They Returned Money They Knew Was Dirty

Money that was funneled to them through Belize was kept until O’Keefe revelations.



11 Comments on Upon Learning That O’Keefe Had Infiltrated the Crooked Clinton Campaign They Returned Money They Knew Was Dirty

  1. Isn’t it a *shame* that sweet, innocent, pure Hillary
    hired, used and is in constant contact with
    these mean, nasty, awful, corrupt and guilty-as-hell people!

    * cough cough *

  2. Dr. Tar
    Nixon should have transmogrified over to the distaff side and then the new ‘she’ would have been safe and secure in the arms of the FBI and Justice Department!

  3. ITS THE OLD bait and switch…$$$ returned to the source, then repackaged and sent by another port of call to be returned to the Cartel vaults. Theatrics, impure and complex. Before they reship to Clintons, they should put explosive red dye packs all throughout the shipment. Watch old Bill and Hills turn from silver and blonde to henna red in a poof.

  4. Rumor has it that there’s something that has been put in place to nail the saboteurs in the DNC Progressive shitstain list should they attempt to steal the election.

    Tell your Democrat friends.

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