A Wisconsin man’s perverted plan to shoot videos up women’s skirts went awry when the battery in his shoe camera exploded, Madison Police said.
He was testing the camera at home when it flared up, preventing him from obtaining any illicit footage.
He injured his foot and suffered minor burns, the Wisconsin State Journal reported.
The man, 32, decided to turn himself into police after conferring with his mentor, a clergyman, about what had happened.
Shoulda don-it the old fashion way:
Inspector Gadgets simple minded and technically challenged Brother.
……and Bad_ Brad has been ironically absent?
I can’t help but wonder if there is an insurance code for “Battery in shoe camera exploded”.
Another battery failure to attribute to Elon Musk??
Musta been one helluva shot!
Hope the creep blew his toe off at least.
How desperate do you have to be???
Should’ve sent Maxwell Smart after this guy.