Upstate NY Village Caves To Perpetually Outraged Leftist Morons – IOTW Report

Upstate NY Village Caves To Perpetually Outraged Leftist Morons

After the seal was featured on The Daily Show, the Jon Stewart vehicle that told mouth breathers how to feel about issues and events, the upstate NY village caved to pressure and changed their centuries old logo.

The logo depicted an actual event where the village’s namesake and founder, Hugh White, had a friendly wrestling match with a local Oneida tribe member.

Of course, the ceaselessly angry and ill-informed left called the logo “racist.”

So they changed it to the logo on the right, which is EXACTLY the same as the logo on the left, except it depicts the match as dead even, which may not be historically correct, but that’s not a t all a consideration when you’re dealing with greater matters such as leftist’s feelings.


ht/ js

16 Comments on Upstate NY Village Caves To Perpetually Outraged Leftist Morons

  1. MJA posted a depiction of the state seal of the commonwealth of Virginia yesterday. It shows a violent image of a Lady Liberty with her foot on the chest of a royal, who is lying on the ground (presumably dead) with his crown askew.
    Latin words Sic Semper Tyrannus. “Thus always to tyrants.

    Do you think that’s the next target?

  2. Worth repeating online found message by another poster:
    When my president lied to me and claimed 4 of my comrades were murdered because of a video insulting Muslims…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president shipped pallets of cash to my sworn enemy…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president failed to identify Muslims as terrorists and Islam as an enemy of the state…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president claimed that a man who tried to kill another man who lawfully defended himself could be his son…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president defended a thug who bum rushed law enforcement…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president ordered businesses to spend unnecessary funds to appease a minority of people who need mental intervention far more than they need their own toilet…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president ordered that words ’one nation under God’ be removed from the pledge of allegiance…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president lied to me and said I could keep my doctors and my premiums would go down…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president spent my tax dollars in foreign lands to interfere in their elections…I didn’t take a knee.
    While my president sat by passively and enabled ISIS to emerge as a stronger force dedicated to spreading Islamic ideals by committing murder, rape and torture…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president allowed dictators and murderers to violate his red lines and continue to murder women and children with chemical gas…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president chastised law enforcement for their actions but ignored the violence in our streets…I didn’t take a knee.
    When my president identified the weather as the greatest threat to America’s safety while Muslims worldwide are murdering innocent people…I didn’t take a knee.
    While my president’s insistence that pacifism and reform in numerous areas of the globe would bring peace but instead led to the strengthening of those that seek to destroy us…I didn’t take a knee.
    When the election of my president broke barriers never thought possible in America ended up being the high point of his eight years in office…I didn’t take a knee.

  3. @PHenry: Undoubtedly so, because “Sic semper tyrannus” was supposedly what John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate sympathizer, cried out after assassinating President Lincoln in 1865. We can’t afford to have any rayciss-related statements like that being bandied about, now can we? We should probably discontinue Latin classes in all schools and universities, too, so that no one will ever be able to utter that sentiment from now on.

    Thus, sick simpering trannies can sleep soundly once again.


  4. The problem is the town’s name. It sends an exclusionary message causing people to feel uncomfortable and unsafe just by reading the name. The fact that it’s named after a White man named White who fought Native Americans just makes it worse!

  5. Changing the seal was put in a referendum vote, and the voters decided to keep the original seal. But the council said fuck you anyway.

    A lot of governing bodies put these types of minor issues to the public in the form of referendums in order to provide political cover, and much of the time the voters decide to retain the status quo. It doesn’t matter because the politicians cave to the whiny leftists anyway.

    We need a universal seal for Congress, state legislatures, city councils, etc. It should show politicians at a hearing in front of members of the public, and the seal should proclaim “Thanks For Coming, But Fuck You.”

  6. @vietvet

    Absolutely correct. Sic semper tyrannus.

    Booth’s last words in that barn not far from here while staring at his hands? Useless. Useless.
    Go find the book the hunt for Lincoln’s killer. Fascinating. Don’t remember who wrote it.

  7. @PHenry: I’ve read a couple of accounts of the Lincoln assassination and its aftermath. You probably already know this, but when Booth was captured he had been shot through the spinal cord and paralyzed from the neck down. He had to ask one of the Union soldiers present to hold his hands up in front of his face so he could see them, and they were what he was referring to when he uttered those final words.

  8. No one’s going to read this because the post is too old, but I finally snapped to the fact that “Sic semper tyrannus” is wrong. It should be “Sic semper tyrannis”.

    I copied it from PHenry’s comment without checking, but something about it kept nagging me. I finally looked it up just now and discovered the error.

    I guess that Junior High Latin I class finally came in handy after all.

    And yeah, I know – nobody cares. But I corrected it anyway.

    So there.


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