Upwards of 4 Million Immigrants Allowed In Thanks To The EAD Program – IOTW Report

Upwards of 4 Million Immigrants Allowed In Thanks To The EAD Program

Experts estimate that there are millions of immigrants here thanks to the Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) program and many more are applying to get in this year – 2 million under provisions that allow foreign workers and another 2.1 million are applying for entrance later this year.


Perhaps it’s the abuse of programs like this that has the President and congressional republicans announcing legislation today to limit green cards to 500,000 a year, half of the current level of 1 million.


10 Comments on Upwards of 4 Million Immigrants Allowed In Thanks To The EAD Program

  1. I just moved out of the Alpharetta/Roswell area of Georgia. It is very expensive to live there, supposed to be THE place to live, but every time I went out anywhere I felt like I was in a third world country. Lots and lots of foreigners with their very third world attitudes and mannerisms. Our country has been destroyed by liberals and I don’t know if we’ll ever get it back.

  2. True that blacks have not recognized that they are not EVEN ON THE LADDER of success anymore. Believing that they are owed and don’t have to work has opened up opportunities for Mexicans coming in who WILL work if given the chance. The pie is only so big so maybe the blacks will end up with the humble piece……..

  3. There should be a TOTAL pause in ANY immigration except the rare case where someone is needed for national security reasons. Period. Why does this gov’t think we have an obligation to bring in more people? We don’t have that obligation. Get rid of the people here illegally, no matter how long they’ve been here. Get rid of the and their “anchor babies.” This is really pissing me off.

    Oh, and call Paul Ryan’s office today and tell him to get rid of Mueller now!! There’s no crime on the Trump side and all their doing is wasting millions and millions of tax dollars for their bullshit “investigation.” Here’s his number: 202-225-3031 (D.C. office) Please call and dump on him.

  4. If someone is here or wants to come here because of employment with an international company, no problem. They can live here as an ex-pat to their own country, unless that company can hire from the U.S. But no path to citizenship.

  5. MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about.

    I went to the site to read and No Comments there!
    I agree with AA. Just put the brakes on all of it. We will never get a true number.A good look around you tells us differently.

  6. Here in the Bay Area I’ve been working at the local Home Depot over this summer. It’s wall-to-wall Indians, Chinese, and muslims. Vietnamese seem to be doing most of the contracting work — most can’t speak english except to say “No Tax!”.

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