Upwards of 550 Americans Have Gone Missing in Mexico – IOTW Report

Upwards of 550 Americans Have Gone Missing in Mexico

UK Daily Mail

The three women [Maritza Trinidad Perez Rios, Marina Perez Rios, and Dora Alicia Cervantes Saenz] are among a startling 550 Americans who have been reported missing in Mexico, according to public records. This is a small part of the total 112,000 people missing in the country – and is a tiny percentage of the millions of US citizens who travel to Mexico every year for vacations and work. 

But many relatives of the Americans still missing are asking why their loved ones haven’t been given a higher priority by Washington like the recent kidnapping. More

23 Comments on Upwards of 550 Americans Have Gone Missing in Mexico

  1. “But many relatives of the Americans still missing are asking why their loved ones haven’t been given a higher priority by Washington like the recent kidnapping.”

    Because the only thing that matters to them is power, not human life.
    When a government will allow 13 Americans to get killed by a suicide bomber and abandon 100’s in hostile territory, force hundreds of millions to be injected with an experimental drug and suppress known therapy’s, Ruby Ridge, Waco, 9-11, Northwoods, BLM/Antifa riots. We are just chattel or tools.

  2. Maybe it’s because Police Chief Roel Bermea, and the three women, Maritza Trinidad Perez Rios, Marina Perez Rios, and Dora Alicia Cervantes Saenz who were traveling in a 33-year old, reconditioned, American-made car, are all actually Mexicans.

    It’s just that the state of Texas was not yet made aware by the FJB administration new Executive Orders that this part of their state has now automatically become Mexico, due to the current indigenous population, living habits, welfare status, predominate language, culture and habits of this part of the state. Thus, they are now under the jurisdiction and laws of Mexico plus 10% to the “Big Guy” (with small brain).

  3. I’ve been to Reynosa, MX numerous times. The company I work for has a factory there. I have ridden a company bus, walked across the border bridge, ridden with others and driven myself. The one and only time I drove myself I got lost in town and drove around some really scary streets. I thought at the time I might get robbed or kidnapped. I never did that again. I haven’t been there in over ten years. I’m sure it is WAY worse now. One of our Mexican plant managers was murdered just down the street from our factory. The story is he was having an affair with a cartel boss’ wife.

  4. There was a strip club on the edge of town where I saw donkey’s tied up out front as I rode by. I was never there but was told these donkeys weren’t owned by patrons, but were part of the acts.

  5. Back around Y2K a friend got married in Mexico. Things had not gotten as bad as they are now; however, I chose to send him my well wishes from afar.

    The marriage,

  6. Around 1996 I was all but signing the dotted line on buying a sports fisher and berthing it down in Cabo. Had been there a bunch and fished the Sea of Cortez every time. And then I read an article in Sport Fishing Mag about how the local corrupt, we don’t need no stinking badges, dumb fxck local cops were placing drugs on American owned sports fishers and confiscating the boats. Pretty funny. Until they killed an American couple trying to resist arrest. Fxck Mexico.

  7. this don’t look good


  8. Mexico = bad day. Ask me how I know.
    Crooked cops, criminals everywhere and safety is priority zero.
    And for added fun you may be kidnapped and tortured. Or maybe they put a big rock in the middle of the road for you to hit and crash then strip you and your car while you bleed out? And getting your dead family back home from their morgue is going to be an expensive time consuming process.
    Sure let’s go fishing. Somewhere else.

  9. @Brad
    No, my fishing trip coming back from Ensenada ended up with a guy jumping into the back of my boat and helping himself to all our stuff. He put everything he could in a 32 gallon trashcan plus a surfboard, fishing poles, tackle and tuna fish while we were driving. Then when we got to rosarita where we are staying and he was standing on the trim plate with all our stuff on the back of the boat and we hit a bump coming into town and he fell off and all our stuff went into the street including our fish, got out in time to see him and run off.
    Some of the rest of it is nightmares of people I knew and story’s like you are talking about.
    Young and dumb me thinks?

  10. Toenex
    And it’s much worse today. They’re no longer dependent on tourist dollars. The Cartels and Police Force, same thing, control everything. My youngest and his bride announced they were headed for Cabo two years ago. I put the obnoxious father in law foot down. “The hell you are”. I won that one, but she still has dreams of Mexico. And he jumps and asks how high on the way up. Fuck me.

  11. “Some of the rest of it is nightmares of people I knew and story’s like you are talking about”

    I don’t care if they were Mormon Mex citizens or not. You don’t assassinate blonde haired blue eyed young women.

  12. 550 fewer fools in the world. I know a guy who spent years in a Mexican prison because they found a couple of .22 LR bullets under the carpet of his Suburban when we across the border to have dinner with friends. He’s back in American but it wiped out his life savings in his late sixties.

  13. Getting your dead out of a non-refrigerated morgue is quite the deal. Happened to my sister’s friend. They had gone to Mexico with husband and kids on a church mission trip to some Abby and got t-boned by a hit and run big farm truck on a mountain road and the daughter died. They wanted thousands of bucks before they would release her body and got it.
    For the most part I find Mexican people very likeable. And they don’t like the open borders much either.
    But the invasion is more than out of control by design, and no longer just Mexican.


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