Uranus emits more heat than previously thought – IOTW Report

Uranus emits more heat than previously thought

March 13, 1781: British astronomer William Herschel discovers Uranus – the first new planet discovered since ancient times – while searching for faint stars.

Science News

Uranus emits more energy than it gets from the sun, two new studies report — a discovery that contradicts findings from the venerable Voyager spacecraft.

When Voyager 2 sped past Uranus on January 24, 1986, the spacecraft detected no significant excess heat from the planet, making it seemingly unique among the sun’s giant worlds. However, new observations from space- and ground-based telescopes reveal that Uranus does in fact radiate more energy than sunlight provides, two research teams report in work submitted to arXiv.org in late February.

“Uranus is not as odd as we thought it was,” says planetary scientist Patrick Irwin of the University of Oxford, a coauthor on one of the studies.

Both teams say that Uranus, which takes 84 years to orbit the sun, reflects a bit more sunlight into space than Voyager had found. This means that the sun heats the planet less than previously thought, suggesting that Uranus must generate some heat to explain its temperature. more

17 Comments on Uranus emits more heat than previously thought

  1. That reminds me, I was just thinking yesterday that BFH used to have headlines that were structured so that we could put in a fun name and then it would show up funny in the comments feed.


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