Urgent Message From Erick Erickson – IOTW Report

Urgent Message From Erick Erickson

Erick Erickson is simply asking for a good old-fashioned fisking, isn’t he?


The Importance of Disclosing This Immediately #NeverTrump

I will not vote for Donald Trump for President of the United States even if he is the Republican nominee.

Erickson would rather have either an avowed socialist, or a woman who conservatives believe belongs in prison, in the white house. Okay.

He is an authoritarian blending nationalist and tribal impulses, which historically has never worked out well for the nation that goes in that direction or the people in that nation.

So, you don’t believe Cruz or Rubio when they say they want to make America great again and want to seal the border and make sure ISIS doesn’t slip in among the Muslim refugees? Isn’t that what you call blending nationalist and tribal impulses? Why would you vote for such a candidate?

He will not win in November. He will not win because he turns off a large number of Republicans; he turns off women; he turns off hispanic voters; he turns off black voters; and the blue collar voters who support him are not a sufficient base of support to carry him over the finish line.

Yes, vote for Cruz or Rubio, the guys who are hispanic and are losing to Trump amongst Republican hispanics. They have the base sewn up, obviously.

His supporters who claim he carried hispanic voters in Nevada are deluding themselves. Nevada’s turnout of hispanic voters was less than one percent of Nevada’s hispanic population, amounting to around 100 people in the exit polling with a margin of error of at minimum ±10%.

Why didn’t those measly 100 people vote for the hispanic guys?

Trump is a liberal who has supported big government, interventionist policies. He defends Planned Parenthood, says he can cut deals in Washington, and believes in a socialist government run healthcare scheme.

If Trump is a liberal how is turning off women, blacks and hispanics?

At a time when so much is on the line for people of faith and conservatives, Donald Trump believes judges sign bills. He said so himself in the Houston, TX debate, while lying about the jurisprudence of Justice Samuel Alito.

Trump is also a con-artist and the media, which has built his campaign is going to destroy his campaign. After he secures the Republican nomination, the media will trot out every victim and perceived victim of Trump’s actions. All the people hurt by repeated strategic bankruptcies, all the people swindled by Trump University, and anyone who got food poisoning from Trump steaks will be in a 24/7 cavalcade on national television.

By the time the media and Democrats, but I repeat myself, are done with Trump, he will be radioactive.

The anti-Trump coalition is pretty powerful, no? National Review put together a media dream team that is virulently anti-Trump. There are right-wing radio hosts, journalists, congressman, senators, ex-presidents, editorializers, bloggers, magazines, newspapers and national online news organizations that hate Trump. Is this collection of superheroes so feckless that they can’t produce the material that will eventually sink Trump? Why not bring it out now? 

Trump’s a liberal, no? Doesn’t the right do psyops against liberals? Do we have nothing on Trump? We are relying on the left to sink the liberal Trump?

It sounds pretty stupid when I write it out loud, no?

Donald Trump will not win in November. Period. End of story.

But, on the off chance Satan pulls a grand slam out of hell and Trump were to do it, he would be an authoritarian despot, deeply destructive to the ideals of this nation and the constitutional principles of the republic, and he would destroy the remains of the Republican Party and much of the conservative movement as conservatives whore themselves out to be close to power.

I don’t think Erickson knows what “Period. End of story means.” Usually you don’t follow “period, end of story,” with “but if he does win….”

Also, calling Trump Satan is weird. I didn’t think Satan’s platform included building the same exact wall the Pope has, enforcing the laws that control our borders, pausing refugee settlements until we are sure we have the agencies responsible for vetting thoroughly tightened up, renegotiating trade so that America has a fair shake, strengthening our military, rebuilding the Veterans Administration, simplifying the tax codes, repealing Obamacare, restructuring the system so that American corporations and manufacturers stay in America, and rejecting globalism and restoring our nationalistic and tribalistic belief that America can be the greatest country on the planet.

That damn Satan!

In fact, I dare say that as if Trump secures the nomination, some of the first people to come out and demand we all kiss his ring will be the people who immediately came out to attested to the credibility and competence of Harriet Miers. They will demand our fealty to a man who thinks judges sign bills.


It is absolutely important to disclose that we will not support Trump in the general election now. It shows that we are not sore losers whose nominee preference did not win, but rather are stating that if Trump does get the nomination, we will not support him and are making our declaration with enough time to stop him if his supporters listen to reason.

For those who say Trump can beat Hillary, it gives them time to decide if they can beat Hillary without us.

Can Erickson’s favored candidate win without the support of Trump voters? Anyone can play this ridiculous game. The only thing Erickson has going for him here is that he must realize that Trump voters will vote for the other candidate should Trump lose – which separates the wheat from the chaffed butts, if you will.

Explicitly stating our opposition, before he secures the nomination, will not stop people from saying we cost him the nomination. But in the historic record it will be clear we saw the rise of an authoritarian jackass, rejected him, and gave people ample time to heed the warnings before jumping off the cliff.

Has it not dawned on anyone that Erickson is simultaneously saying that he fears Trump is going to negotiate and work with the left and that he’s authoritarian?? Seems slightly contradictory – The Authoritarian Negotiator!!!!!

And do you think for one second Erickson doesn’t get weak-kneed and swoon when his candidate says that on day one he will repeal all of Obama’s programs? He would orgasm if the president in the white house was an authoritarian that methodically decreed his own personal preferences list.

I will not vote for Donald Trump.

We get it. 

Many people I know feel the same way. So as you go vote for Donald Trump, know you are casting your lot with a man who cannot beat the Democrats and who will lose support of long time Republicans in the process.

If Trump supporters choose to proceed, history will show what they will never concede — his defeat is on them, not us.

And, I presume, you will not only not vote for him, you will be actively aiding and abetting a Hillary or Bernie win in any way that you can. After all, you cant risk looking like a giant jackass if Trump wins, can you? And what if he turns out to be a great president? Then what? Where’s your credibility? You’re sorta forced to be an agent of ratf*ckery from this point forward. 

So, how exactly is a Trump defeat squarely on the Trump supporters and not the likes of you? Makes no sense, Erickson.

With the rise of an authoritarian menace to our republic, it is important to go on record now, while he can be stopped, that we will play no part in his rise.

Of all the things that are actual menaces to our Republic, you choose Trump. 

He’s a bigger menace than Sanders. He’s a bigger menace than Hillary. He’s a bigger menace than open borders, Muslim refugees, unfair trade………… ……. …….


58 Comments on Urgent Message From Erick Erickson

  1. Erick Erickson and the others supporting this position are jackasses. Same as anyone who supports Trump and has said the same should Trump not get the nomination. This line of thinking is detrimental to our children.

  2. @ frosteetoes

    For about 8 years or so I’ve suspected he is a protege of Limbaugh. Seriously. I’ve watched him from further and further away since he became the “start” of Redstate.com. I used to comment there under another pseudonym years ago. That was probably the first place I ever commented. Limbaugh uses him every so often as a guest host. Erickson is a pompous ass.

  3. Simple. Erickson is stupid.
    I read one of his pieces on NewsBusters where he pulls up Trump quotes from five, ten, twenty years ago to prove Trump is a closet liberal. In the comments underneath his article I mentioned the more recent quotes from Trump – when Trump is on with Savage, Hannity or O’Reilly he is pretty straightforward and highly conservative. But stupid Erickson CHOOSES to ignore these more recent quotes. Erickson is a dishonest hack – like much of the rest of the mainstream media “journalists”.

  4. I have no problem with people supporting their candidate.
    I have no problem with people posting articles critical of their unfavored candidate.

    I just think Erickson’s screed has problems with contradictory statements, and threatening voters just calls for a fisking.

    If he can make a coherent case as to why Trump would be worse than Sanders or Hillary I could take him seriously.
    But he won’t do that. He can’t do that.

    He just keeps saying that Trump will lose, which tells you he is going to actively campaign against Trump in the general.

    He’ll say he isn’t, but at the very, very least he will sit at the periphery making all sorts of snide and snotty comments, which is a defacto way of supporting the other side.

    If that time comes I will not be kind.

  5. Bottom line, the Conservative Tree House has had it nailed. Who the fuck calls them selves Sundance? Honestly if you are in this deep use your real name. Maybe just me. The old Carl Rove GOP is trying to preserve itself. To late.

  6. Who the fuck calls them selves Sundance? >>>

    Someone whose job may be in jeopardy if it’s learned he is a conservative activist, that’s who.

    Pseudonyms as political activists is as American as apple pie.

    Who is Brutus?
    Federal Farmer?

    Hint: they are not iOTWreport commenters.

  7. Is this guy trying out for the bloated Michael Moore look alike contest?

    Donald Trump will not win in November because I say so. Period. End of question. If you disagree I’ll stomp my feet and hold my breath until I turn blue.

    He sounds more like a whiny, petulant brat than a rational adult. Erickson speaks and I’ll I hear is ‘blah, blah, blah.’

  8. I dunno. You tell me if I have anything at risk.
    I’m the art director of AFDI and did every counter-jihad poster for Pamela Geller, including the poster for the Garland, Texas “Draw Muhammad Contest” where 2 guys showed up with AK-47s.
    You think I should use my real name??

  9. I was fired from my job in 1980 when my boss was informed I voted for Ronald Reagan. I made the mistake of telling another employee during a lunch conversation and she gleefully relayed the information. Chalk it up to being very young and naive. We had all been harangued before the election and handed a slate of candidates we were supposed to support. There wasn’t a single Republican on the list.

    No, the firing was not legal. At that point I had no interest in working for this outfit and had a better job lined up. I learned to keep my mouth shut after that.

  10. No, I don’t. I’ll back up on that a bit. The Tree House has led the charge on the GOP/ Wall Street/ Chamber of Comerce connection. Great work. The autonomous names cheapen what he does. I don’t want to see anybody in danger.

  11. Beyond the “contradictions” pointed out, I have to wonder just what Erickson was trying to accomplish with this article.

    It certainly doesn’t persuade anyone to not vote for Trump…perhaps emotionally bully them into doing so, but…

    …moreso, it reads like a cry of impotence/irrelevance, one small step short of a suicide note.

  12. I don’the trust and find Trump an embarrassment. However, if I have to, I’ll put on my hazmat suit and vote for him. Better than Hillary or Bernie any day of the week. So sad it’s come to this. I’m glad I’m getting old, but am deeply concerned for may daughter and her family. Fortunately she and Sean are well educated as their children will be, so that there might be a chance to immigrate when all goes to hell in a handbasket.

  13. This is the guy that disinvited Trump from his “gathering” last year and was caught on video actively pushing for Jeb! there.

    He says, “Many people I know feel the same way”

    Lord, if that isn’t the all time REgressive cop out. It’s right up there with unnamed sources & some people I’ve spoken to.

    I wonder what these strident GOPe guys are going to do after Trump wins. After Reagan won, looking back, I saw that they kinda just bided their time and then ran GHW. And that was that for conservatism’s push. We had another great shot in 2000 but again, the GOPe crushed the base.

    A President Trump changes all that-toads like EE are going to be left out in the cold. It’ll be a circle jerk circus with him, Will, Hayes, Krauthammer, Beck, Kaminsky, Williamson…

    Irrelevance is their mortal fear.

  14. Sadly, I am seeing more and more of these type of articles. I ignore most of them, but this one was posted by a strong conservative that I have respect for, yet he did not criticize it at all. He didn’t approve of it either. We are becoming more and more divided, and that’s not good. Oddly, it looks like we are going to have a race between the two most hated people in America that are also the the most loved people in America.

    This same fight is happening on the democrat side. There are a lot of lefties that say they will never vote for Hillary.

    Two people that are dividing both parties running to unite America.

    It’s a very odd scenario.

  15. @Unruly, yes it was a blessing. Funny thing is the job was at a Nader inspired ‘consumer protection public interest racket’. Very leftist. 2nd funny thing there was another equally conservative employee but no one questioned her views or voting. They assumed she was a Demorat because she was a lesbian. She ended up quitting 3 months after i was fired.
    Sad to say this outfit is still business in 2016.

  16. As I scan the interwebs today, I am finding a lot of well liked and respected conservatives that share my position on Trump. If y’all can’t see that this is going to be a big deal come November, y’all are not looking.

    How many strong lifelong conservatives are y’all willing to permanently abandon for the very recent ex-democrat Trump?

  17. TO Menderman

    We are not shouting “I’M NEVER VOTING FOR CRUZ”…

    …it’s those “strong lifelong conservatives” to whom you refer who are “permanently abandoning” us/Trump/America.

  18. Czar, the guy you are supporting is threatening to sue his strongest rival because he is a “Canadian”.

    And I get called out for not supporting the nominee if it’s not one of my guys?

    I’m just being like Trump.

    Your Welcome.

  19. I think I know what’s going on in the blogosphere folks. It is fear alright but not fear of Trump, it’s fear of irrelevance. Just as we are seeing in the establishment and consultant class, the hubris among some in the alternative conservative media drives them to think they should lead and we should follow. They know if we support Trump after all their “sky is falling” predictions they have lost their influence. Erikson’s ravings aren’t rational, they’re desperation and I’ve seen it on several sites. Healthy debate is one thing but this is something altogether different.

    Let me ask you, do you remember this much malice directed at Obama in 2004 and 2008? I don’t. Sure there were a few of us who knew the destructive intentions the fiend had. We knew his background and the Cloward-Piven influence and were telling everyone we could. But outside of a few sites, he wasn’t being called out for the truly malevolent figure it was obvious he was. After all, John McCain said he wouldn’t be afraid of a Barrack Obama presidency. And we, team players to the end, had to hold our noses and vote for that fool. And now, we have a man who is actually uniting i wide swath of people behind the republican brand and he is the devil incarnate. It doesn’t compute does it?

    Let me tell you, I was a good trooper during the Bush years, believed in him, supported him publicly, voted for him. What did I get for my efforts? Does Erickson want to rattle off the conservative innitiatives that gat passed? Tax reform, no; tort reform, no; smaller Govenment, no; debt reduction, no. And in the end we got Barrack Obama. If that’s conservatism then no thanks, I guess I’m looking for something else.

    I’ve been in this conservative battle for a while and I’ve seen us lose a lot of ground in this country. Socially, economically, morally we and what we know is right is getting pushed back. And after all of it, what do we get from the chattering class, more bloviating. We now need action and for the first time in a long time we have the opportunity.

    I’ll tell you what I see in a Trump nomination. The chance to let every self-important, pundit wannabee see that this is our party, not theirs. Rinse Pubis and his ilk aren’t the Republican Party, we are. If I were voting for Trump for no other reason than to break that stranglehold, it would be enough. I also however, think that Trump will do quite a bit of what he says he will. Here is an interview he did on Oprah in 1988. Seems strangely consistent with what we’re hearing now doesn’t it.


  20. I’m voting for the R.

    If I could push a button now and have Cruz be the nominee I’d probably do it – just to end all the whining.

    I just see something in Trump that is very much needed in America right now –
    Alpha, bombast, big, loud, strong, first, proud, quick, decisive, unapologetic, unafraid, unfiltered, winning, type 1…
    While Cruz is a good man, he has none of that.
    It’s probably because he’s Canadian. lol

    His persona is weak.
    When Trump confronts him at the debates, Cruz shrinks.
    You may think he has the upper hand intellectually, but that is meaningless in today’s world. I do not want shrinkers.

    I also do not want shaded nuance.
    I do not like how Cruz answers a question.
    From the onset it sounds like he is not answering the question.
    He comes at every tough question obliquely. I HATE THAT.
    It seems oily. It seems Sunday morning talk show-ish.

    He can’t answer a yes/no question with a yes or a no.
    He launches into a soliloquy.

    It’s Obama-like.

    But, I’ll vote for him.

  21. I agree BFH. I started out as a Cruz supporter. My only issue was losing his voice in the Senate. He’s a great advocate for real conservatism. I just think right now, at this point in time we might need a chainsaw more than an axe.

    Regarding Cruz’s approach to answering questions we have to remember he is, at the end of the day, a lawyer and that’s what they do.

  22. One of the things I like in the way Cruz responds is that he does not want the left to “frame the narrative”. How long and hard have we screamed that we don’t want our politicians to allow that to happen? I have listened to how he answers these “have you stopped beating your wife” type questions and see how he tries to change that mindset.

    It’s too bad that the anger we feel with the last 7 1/2 years of leftist control and the betrayal we have endured from our own so-called party have created an impatience for logic and the need for bashing heads. I understand this need, for I cheer, too, with any of our candidates whooping the left/GOPe upside their heads.

  23. TO Menderman

    Your response to my post makes no sense to me.

    All I was trying to say is that it seemed you were PROJECTING the “blame” for “who is rejecting whom” onto Trump supporters, when it is the folks who say “I will never vote for Trump.”



    we’re in 2012. I wanted Gingrich. Voted for him in the Primary. Smears. Trashing. He lost. THAT SUCKS.

    NEVERTHELESS: I spent 2 months of my life going door to door and working my a$§ off otherwise to promote Romney, and even (*cough* *spit*) voted for him.

    We need you and every ounce of folks like you this time around.


  24. Czar, Trump is shouting the loudest that he will never support Cruz, and I am supposed to just let that slide and vote for him if he gets the nomination?

    No. I won’t do that. I will not reward a guy that is threatening to sue his opponent to keep him off the ballot.

    I have my limitations, and Trump exceeded them many weeks ago.

    I will not vote for Trump.

    BTW, #NeverTrump is snowballing rapidly. Get ready for a rough March. Hopefully, in like a lion, out like a lamb.

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