Urine sufferable – IOTW Report

Urine sufferable

Seattle councilman, Larry Gossett, one of Seattle’s Gang of Four and Black Panther, doesn’t want the city to power wash the urine and feces off the sidewalks near the Seattle courthouse (the homeless problem is exploding and parts of the city are covered in human excrement and piss) because it “triggers him.”

It reminds of him when the police used fire hoses on black people.

Let me get this straight, and I hate to have to reword this this way, but the site of water hitting sh*t and rolling  away into the gutter reminds him of water hitting black people?

I’m not sure even the Grand Dragon High Imperial Mystic Wizard (or whatever the head idiot in the KKK is called) himself would dare paint this illusionary connection. But Gossett did.

You have a screw loose mister.

Best you leave these thoughts rolling around in your empty skull rather than let them get out. You know what has to be done when thoughts escape a sh*thead?

You guessed it. Power wash.


26 Comments on Urine sufferable

  1. This low grade moron did not pay attention to all the diseases and loads of flies that would cover the area. Maybe he could have someone read the information to him or just show him some pictures. What ever it takes.

  2. Let me get this straight, and I hate to have to reword this this way, but the site of water hitting sh*t and rolling away into the gutter reminds him of water hitting black people?
    He was probably thinking of something other than, that but you are more right than he is.

  3. If Seattle is a ‘class 1 ‘ city, and I believe it is, they would be in violation of NPDES regulations if they just power wash excrement into the stormwater system. It would take someone to challenge it, but they would prevail. I’m busy. Maybe just shoot the shitters.
    One’s company, two’s a allowed, pooping on the sidewalk is not allowed.

  4. The mere fact that a city would tolerate public bodily elimination is bad enough, but when elected representatives then object to cleaning it up, they have entered a world where the word ‘progress’ requires a new definition: crap on sidewalk.

  5. So he’s ‘triggered’ by the sound of water.
    Prolly can’t shower or flush the toilet either.
    Triggered by something that did not happen to him,
    You whites cannot have a first world civilization, it must be Number Two or lower

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