US and Eh?! Show – Tonight! – IOTW Report

US and Eh?! Show – Tonight!

Do not miss the new show tonight @ 20h00 (8pm) EST!!!

US and Eh?! Conservative Radio September the 23rd 2020

Call in (323)-870-3371


  • SCOTUS pick presents an Historical Opportunity for the Conservative Right
    Even Mitt Romney recognizes this unique opportunity
  • Dems endorsing political violence against Republican lawmakers
  • TRUMP 2020 Campaign
  • Dems talk of impeachment again
  • Democrat strategy more akin to Wile E. Coyote than anything else
  • The cultural Civil War unfolding
  • Preparing for possible unrest
  • We must fight and vote for our Worldview to prevail
  • CNN’s Don Lemon inciting to political violence and domestic terrorism
  • Soros’ role in bankrolling criminal activities and violent behavior

Show Link HERE.

5 Comments on US and Eh?! Show – Tonight!

  1. Believe a few weeks back I called and a some point asked something to the effect of “What do you think is happening in Kenosha right now?” Believe I’ll skip the call and not ask what’s happening in Louisville tonight.

  2. I’ll leave it to Christian, Ghost or some of the others to carry the load. Don’t have words that wouldn’t have to be bleeped about the hot mess we’re in right now. Not edjumacated enough to make lucid comment.

    Call in sports fans…

  3. Previous ongoing commitment on Wednesday nights starting 8PM central. Maybe next week if I call in early and disrupt your flow to cover your topics at beginning. Will catch the the last half on replay…


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