US And Mexico On The Brink Of New NAFTA Deal – IOTW Report

US And Mexico On The Brink Of New NAFTA Deal

DC: After negotiating throughout the weekend, U.S. and Mexican trade officials say they are on the brink of reaching new terms for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

“I would say that we’re practically in the final hours of this negotiation,” Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo told reporters Sunday, shortly before entering into talks with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. The discussions have revolved around new rules for the automotive industry, terms President Donald Trump has long argued are unfair for Americans.

The Trump administration is angling to impose a cap on car and SUV exports from Mexico to the U.S. that could be shipped duty-free or at a 2.5 percent tariff, a proposal that is garnering pushback from Mexican officials. The request aims to establish a cap of around 2 million Mexican car and SUV exports. As background, the Latin American country exports more than 2.3 million vehicles to the U.S. in 2017.

Another major hurdle to reach will be on the topic of energy.  more

8 Comments on US And Mexico On The Brink Of New NAFTA Deal

  1. My understanding is that this does NOT have to do with NAFTA, which would necessarily include L’il Justine. Rather, it is a bilateral agreement with TacoLand.

  2. FROM Pinko’s linked article:
    “President Donald Trump said the deal would be called The United States-Mexico Trade agreement, getting rid of the NAFTA name. “The name NAFTA has a bad connotation because the United States was hurt very badly by NAFTA,” he said.”

    Gone, baby, GONE. Au revoir, L’il Justine.

  3. Meanwhile, all the useless cunts in DC are bitching about pointless stuff, like completely and intentionally misquoted flag protocol to attack Trump for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Fuck DC and most of the assholes in it. They hate Trump because he seems to be one of the few people in that shithole town who actually knows what his fucking job is.


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