US Attorney Says Virginia Leaders Ignore MS-13 Problem Because Of Political Correctness – IOTW Report

US Attorney Says Virginia Leaders Ignore MS-13 Problem Because Of Political Correctness

Daily Caller-

A federal prosecutor in Virginia excoriated local leaders on Friday at a sentencing hearing for two members of MS-13, saying that officials have ignored the problem posed by the Central American gang due to political correctness.

“Yes, Northern Virginia has a gang problem,” G. Zachary Terwilliger, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, said at a sentencing hearing for Juan Francisco Rivera-Pineda and Jefferson Noe Amaya, two members of an MS-13 clique called Pinos Locos Salvatrucha.

The pair were convicted of shooting and stabbing a 40-year-old victim in a Henrico, Virginia, park on Dec. 30, 2018.

The incident allegedly stemmed from a dispute over who controlled an area where the gang sold drugs.

Terwilliger, who said he has prosecuted MS-13 cases for a decade, accused local leaders of ignoring the gang’s activities, putting the Hispanic community at risk. read more

5 Comments on US Attorney Says Virginia Leaders Ignore MS-13 Problem Because Of Political Correctness

  1. Met a copper from Virginia at the knife shop I go to in Toronto. He was a very nice guy who relocated after leaving the force. He was shot 3 times where he didn’t have armor.

    Basically told me exactly what the article says. Co-incidentally President Trump just said something similar tonight.

    First good thing i have seen on TV in months. Very hopeful.

    Great speech by the Orange Machine, unlike the depressing shit that flows from Turdeau with his face in the pillow and his ass up high in the air.


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