US bombers buzz North Korea far north of DMZ – IOTW Report

US bombers buzz North Korea far north of DMZ

Wash Exam-

U.S. bombers and fighter jets buzzed North Korea in what the Pentagon billed as one of the most significant shows of force this century.

“This is the farthest north of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) any U.S. fighter or bomber aircraft have flown off North Korea’s coast in the 21st century, underscoring the seriousness with which we take [the North Korean regime’s] reckless behavior,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a statement Saturday.

The U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers deployed from Guam, a U.S. territory in the region that North Korean officials have threatened to attack in recent months. The bombers were escorted by F-15 fighters that took off from Okinawa. The bombers and their escort stayed in international airspace, according to the Defense Department.

“This mission is a demonstration of U.S. resolve and a clear message that the president has many military options to defeat any threat,” White said.


12 Comments on US bombers buzz North Korea far north of DMZ

  1. Wow! How effective! Flying planes about. Up next, we’ll talk shit on Twitter!

    This is like virgins discussing sex.

    What is actually happening between us and NK we don’t know. And I’m good with that. Donald will deal with the fat kid that is pissing his pants to sit at the table with the grown ups.

    You don’t want me to be the CIC. I’d off that mouthy motherfucker.

  2. What people fail to realize is that the little fat ass is putting his relatives into those nosecones of the rockets he’s firing off.

    Because that’s the way he is.

    I still bet his closest leadership will knock him off eventually.

  3. The most I learned about NO was from watching M.A.S.H. back in the 80s…so my suggestion would be to BLAST the theme song (“Suicide is Painless”–and yes, I know that was a character in the film!) from unidirectional speakers pointed toward Pyongyang 24/7/365. It will drive them nutzoid!

    The power of suggestion is a mighty thing!!!

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