US college student fails assignment due to professor’s belief Australia is not a country – IOTW Report

US college student fails assignment due to professor’s belief Australia is not a country

The teacher’s IQ is down under.

Newshub –

An Idaho woman failed a college assignment because her professor didn’t believe Australia was a country.

Ashley Arnold, 27 was taking the course as distance learning for her sociology degree from Southern New Hampshire University, Buzzfeed reports.

She was supposed to compare a social norm in another country with the United States and she chose social media use in Australia.

However the professor failed her outright for the project, saying Ms Arnold did not correctly pick a country to compare the US to and instead chose a continent.

Australia is in fact the only place in the world to be both a country and a continent.


ht/ rosalind j

27 Comments on US college student fails assignment due to professor’s belief Australia is not a country

  1. “…the professor failed her…”
    “…the professor had not checked…”
    “…the professor doubled down…”

    So what the @$%$%#$ is the NAME of the idiot professor?
    One might consider that to be an important part of the story.

  2. Another outlet reports that the student requested the teacher be shielded because she didn’t want her to get backlash.
    The news outlet said the teacher’s linkedin profile states she is a doctor of philosophy.

  3. Sociology is a Bullshit degree. The only use for it is so you can get a government job administrating some hand out program be it for the employees or some sucker poor person.

    Yeah, shield the professor after she failed you. can’t hurt her feelings.

    Idiots on both end.

  4. “The news outlet said the teacher’s linkedin profile states she is a doctor of philosophy”

    yeah … the philosophy of stilted knowledge … evidentially, failure is an option in academia

  5. This is an example of the dumming of America. Academia has traded academic rigor for ideological purity.

    PhDs in intersectionality and critical theory are a dime a dozen. They flood each professor and staff vacancy with resumes, regardless of the applicability of their field of study.

    They take over one department after another, then colleges, then entire universities. They then begin spewing out thousands of intellectually bankrupt but ideologically pure, “doctorates” that have become the equivalent of postgraduate certificates, if that.

    Its like invasion of the body snatchers. One moment you are a decent institution in a conservative state, the next, there are rainbow crosswalks, multiculturalism becomes diversity which means LGBT+ dominance, you can get fired for not using the correct pronoun or neglecting to confess your privilege.

    The other thought on this is that the professor for the online course was outsourced to India. You get what you pay for.

    Word of warning, many online programs at prestigious institutions are developed and managed by continuing education/distance learning departments, in coordination with but independent of academic colleges and departments.

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