US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (11-19-20) at 8pm EST – IOTW Report

US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (11-19-20) at 8pm EST

Here’s the link!

Call in to speak with Mike: (323) 870-3371


  • Resist
  • NotmyPresident
  • The Presidential Election was stolen,
    We have to keep the pressure on
  • Investigations that are going on
  • Pro-Trump Rally in Washington
  • Prime-Minister Trudeau talks about “The Great Reset” and “Building Back Better” which just so happens to be Biden’s campaign slogan.
  • I have a prime example of Facebook censorship to prove what we all know, censorship is real, and it only goes one way.
  • We have to stay strong, the Cultural Civil War rages on, now it’s not the time to stand down, it’s time to stand up and be counted!!!

10 Comments on US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (11-19-20) at 8pm EST

  1. “Build back better” than Trump built back better from Obama’s Great Recession?

    Trump’s “build back” set all time records until the Chinese – Obama – Clinton – Soros – Media – Deep State Cabal unleashed COVID, riots and election stealing on the economy. Now, Trump has to do it all over again.

    Go downstairs and hide, Joe / Trudeau.

  2. Do zero social media but at least you currently have IOTW to get your voice out there without the censorship. Currently playing “rent-a-cop” so calling in probably not a good idea.

    Will Trump continue to bring his voice to the forefront if his election suits fail? Don’t see any other leaders stepping up from “our” side…

  3. Ohh, Anon. RELAX…Francis.

    “Do zero social media but at least you currently have IOTW to get your voice out there without the censorship.”


    I was JUST telling a best bud tonight about that about IOTWr…trying to get him into the bar…

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