US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (11-25-20) at 8pm EST – IOTW Report

US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (11-25-20) at 8pm EST

Here’s the link!

Call in to speak with Mike: (323) 870-3371


  • Talking about the post-election mess.
  • Sidney and the Kraken.
  • Putin is not willing to recognize Joe Biden as President.
  • Globalists and the Great Reset.
  • The infighting between the progressive squad loonies and the rest of the Democrat Party.

24 Comments on US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (11-25-20) at 8pm EST

  1. BREAKING: Mother in law has taken the nuclear option in the ongoing mother in law son in law battle that has raged since time immemorial.

    My mother in law is becoming a nun.

    Fellas, I know… “SON OF A B!TCH!!!” Is what you’re all thinking. And you’d be right. How can I make make smug comments anymore? I have to call her sister now. MUTHER F*CK!!!!! I’m totally neutered.

    There has to be a counter move to her her Italian gambit.

    Input desperately needed or this could be the end for all of us.

  2. Aaron, well, I would think that if she’s going with the ‘nuclear option’ she should also consider a degree in particle physics so she can converse intelligently atomistic iOTWReport males like us. Also, suggest to her that she change her habits often. New habits are always good. And wash frequently. Cleanliness is next to Godliness and if not practiced properly, she could become God-awful, which, heaven forbid, she isn’t already as a Mother-In-Law (and I know all about THAT!).

  3. Aaron Burr NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 7:18 PM

    That there is some scary shit. Usually the other direction with walking away from a vocation instead of finding it at that point in your life.

    One word of advice. If after final vows you see her with one of those three cornered wooden engineering rulers, slowly back away while looking for an escape route for quick feet and take it.

    Ask any Catlicker with penguin experience from the fifties

  4. Fellas, she lives in the old part of Philly. Unbeknownst to me she’s been studying up on Catholicism in secret with a GROUP OF NUNS.

    This is serious. Sure, she can become a Catholic, just because I am and my kids are. That’s sweet. But no.

    She’s goin’ FULL PENGUIN.


    I feel just like Optimus Prime did when Starscream ran him through with his space sword or whatever.

    :cue dramatic music: :Reach for sky with one hand while clutching heart with other: “nnNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!”

    There is no counter to the Italian gambit. I’m screwed. And once this trick gets out, we’re all screwed. Nuns get the head of the table, doors opened for them, and their hands kissed.

    Hellfire and sandy applesauce.

  5. OK, but I’m actually trying to help you out. Keep this shit up and you are headed for Hemorrhoid Carcinoma. For your own good Burr, just take it in the face. Lips loose or full of juice. Ya sick bastard.

  6. ……and just like that the bell for round 4 sounded and Aaron didn’t need to get off his stool in his corner…..Miles Lane was busy untangling Brad who got hogtied in the ropes while taking out his mouthpiece…..Al Albert, back to you…

  7. Nah. Brads just pathetic. I honestly think he’s a sad, sad powerless person in his day to day life. So he goes on the internet and overcompensates by being a gutless turd to everyone on the net.

    Brad, you should do your family a favor and eat a gun. Just trying to help you out buddy. Not like you’ll be missed.

    Hope this finds you well, Happy Thanksgiving etc etc…

    A. Burr

  8. Aaron Burr

    Wow, you cap on every one here. You add nothing to actual content. And then when I kick your ass with snappy answers to smart ass questions you tell me to eat a gun. I got tell you, after insulting every ones mother here I’m wondering if you have any morals at all. I’ll be in your hood soon. Looking to relocate. Before I do I’ll pass that info on to FUR so we can meet and you can kick my cancerous ass. Lets see how that works out asshole.

  9. Go on. Work yourself up to another 30 post unanswered diatribe.

    You’re obviously bored and alone. This is what you do. Go nuts. Or more nuts than usual. I’m happy yo be your internet punching bag.

    Just keep your insane and impotent ramblings focused on me. No need to drag innocent bystanders into your fantasy life.

    I’m hitting the shower. Feel free to spam this thread for the next 12 hours.

  10. Howard Cossell

    Don’t you think we should test your theory? Let’s do this. Your anonymous ass is expected to show up. You know, you are all pussies and you know it, otherwise, you’d use your real name.

  11. Sorry butterknife….I was Howard Cossell. I must have put my e-mail in wrong….Just settle down and do some self introspection. The Holidays will be here for more then 30 days more. It’s a good time to see if your an ass or if you ain’t an ass. Get others opinions and then decide, but get opinions from people that think you might be an ass…..

  12. I already figured out what pussy would post that shit Willy. Your sorry ass is infatuated with me. FREAKEN WEIRD. I’m gonna send you a pair of my unwashed underwear so you can sniff it and play with yourself. I hope you show in Prescott little bitch. I’ve taken more than my fair of shit from your insecure little ass. The truth shall set you free key board warrior.

  13. 7 miles east of Lebanon Kansas….We could cook a steak and drink a couple of beers, but I would grow weary of you talking about yourself and your exploits and ask you to leave…..


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