US foreign aid likely falls into the hands of Hamas, lawmakers say – IOTW Report

US foreign aid likely falls into the hands of Hamas, lawmakers say

JTN– A group of leading House Republicans are raising concerns that millions of taxpayer dollars meant for foreign aid could be funneled to Hamas, the terrorist group that killed more than 1,400 Israelis and took dozens of hostages earlier this month.

The lawmakers sent a letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development, the federal agency that overseas the bulk of foreign aid and normally keeps watch on how its funding could be used for nefarious purposes.

“According to records produced by the State Department in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department was concerned in 2021 about U.S. assistance falling into the hands of Hamas,” the letter said.

The letter points to a draft memo from the State Department to the Department of the Treasury that says there is a “high risk” that U.S. tax dollars are helping Hamas because of the terrorist group’s control over Gaza. read more

14 Comments on US foreign aid likely falls into the hands of Hamas, lawmakers say

  1. Hey dummy, that has been the whole point of this malAdministration. Any “aid” that ends up in the hands of those it is claimed they want to be helping is purely an oversight on their part. Not that prior establishment Republican Administrations were any different in kind, maybe in degree, but if their intent was not to fund terrorists it is not self evident and it is obvious by looking at where it ended up what previous Democrat Administrations were funding.

    Give me a fucking break!

  2. “US foreign aid likely falls into the hands of Hamas, lawmakers say”

    While I COMPLETELY believe that statement…I have NO doubt that is the overall plan.

    Each and EVERY person that still supports the democrat party should face the gallows or AT LEAST prison time.

  3. No Shit.

    Watch the beginning scene of “Black Hawk Down” where The Warlord takes control of FOOD AID from the UN & starves out his non-supporters.

    One simple scene of a movie that tells a thousand page reality in less than a minute. BRILLIANT


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