US Government Defrauded Out of Hundreds of Billions in COVID Relief – IOTW Report

US Government Defrauded Out of Hundreds of Billions in COVID Relief

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Years after the passage of federal COVID-era relief and the subsequent loss of likely hundreds of billions of those taxpayer dollars, lawmakers are still unsure where that money went, how to get it back, and seemingly have done little to prevent it from happening again.

Federal watchdog and other reports estimate anywhere from $200 billion to half a trillion was lost to waste, fraud and abuse across various federal and state COVID-era programs.

“Insiders, including those who worked for state workforce agencies, conspired with organized crime factions and other individuals to defraud state UI programs and the states did little to stop them,” a Republican-led House Oversight Committee report released this week said. “Some states even hired individuals convicted of identity theft to process UI claims.” More

16 Comments on US Government Defrauded Out of Hundreds of Billions in COVID Relief

  1. so if government dumbfucks screwed up shouldn’t they pay? why should the taxpayer pay for it? all taxpayers should have their tax rates cut in half as a lesson to the government. won’t happen but it should.

  2. $200 billion that they know of being stolen. The federal government should never again have the power to shut down the entire economy. They over-reacted to a crisis of their own making and will individually only pay in terms of all of us having to share the burden of all this blatant stealing.

    This is what happens when a society no longer fears an angry God.

  3. the money they stole, was stolen from the taxpayers first

    ” anywhere from $200 billion to half a trillion was lost”
    I think that most people don’t know what a billion means
    a million seconds is about 11 days
    a billion seconds is about 31 years

  4. Toby,
    Thanks for that breakdown. Even more shocking is to break it down into dollars:
    To take One Billion Dollars the government would need to tax one dollar for every second of every day, for 31 years. That is 3600 seconds in an hour, or 86,400 seconds in a day. One dollar per second, I’ll let the rest of you multiply to get that answer. It is truly two large to comprehend.

  5. ^^^ Imagine that you were born 40,000 years ago, and you are immortal. Now, imagine that you have saved $10,000 each and every day for the past 40,000 years. You would have less money than Elon Musk.

    nothing against Elon, btw.

  6. We are Zimbabwe.
    We are Haiti.
    We are Venezuela.

    We have allowed our country to become every laughable shithole on Earth.

    Khrushchev’s “We will destroy you from within” was more prescient than we knew –
    or were willing to admit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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