US immigration crackdown heats up for border crossers and tech workers – IOTW Report

US immigration crackdown heats up for border crossers and tech workers


Encouraged by a sharp downturn in illegal border crossers, the US administration is ramping up a crackdown on undocumented immigrants, taking aim at both Central American laborers and Indian tech workers in Silicon Valley.

Police, prosecutors and judges have been ordered to take a harder line against all illegal immigrants, detaining anyone without papers and vigorously prosecuting more of them.

Hiring standards for immigration agents are being eased to quickly beef up their ranks, more facilities to hold detained immigrants are being built, and more judges are being added to handle cases.

And officials have been directed to round up illegal immigrants, even those in the country for decades, at places that used to be safe — courthouses, town halls, and cities offering them sanctuary.  read more

6 Comments on US immigration crackdown heats up for border crossers and tech workers

  1. I hope they’re also reviewing H1B visa’s as well (not just the Indians but all of them). I know several people who got jobs done in California and the employer didn’t do much of a local search at all to fill the vacancies.

  2. They need to get that prick from the Philippines, Jose Antonio Vargas. You know the Pulitzer prize winning asshole who braggs about being in this country illegaly, knock that Smug look off his face.

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