US Intel Confirms Hospital Rocket Attack Was By the Lying , Scumsucking Muslims – IOTW Report

US Intel Confirms Hospital Rocket Attack Was By the Lying , Scumsucking Muslims

Wall Street Journal

The U.S. has collected “high confidence” signals intelligence showing that the explosion at a Gaza hospital compound on Tuesday was caused by the militant group Palestinian Islamic Jihad, U.S. officials said, buttressing Israel’s contention that it wasn’t responsible for the blast.

The U.S. assessment drew, in part, on communications intercepts and other intelligence gathered by the U.S., defense officials said.

“Our current assessment, based on analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information, is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital in Gaza,” White House National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said, adding that the U.S. continues to collect information on the incident. More

15 Comments on US Intel Confirms Hospital Rocket Attack Was By the Lying , Scumsucking Muslims

  1. The same US “intelligence” that all declared the Hunter laptop to be “Russian disinformation?” Or the ones who worked tirelessly against Trump for 5 years? Or the ones who said that the Afghan pullout would go smoothly? Just wondering which group of abject and chronic liars I’m supposed to be believing this time.

  2. Israel told people to leave that hospital, so the 1st reports out were that they bombed it. Was it a mistake or just a fluke of luck that it was bombed?
    It was bombed on purpose to make Israel look bad. Hamas & their cohorts have total disregard for human life, so to say they eat their own & their young. Unfortunately they blended in to the Palestinians &/or terrorized them to get to this point/day in time. Extremist Muslims like this are relentless, they will never stop & are supported by their religion/the Koran/Quran. Personally I had what I thought were friends from Egypt that moved here. Later on their friends were in the news as wanted terrorists, go figure. They blend in, but never the less, Americans are infidels. They/Muslims are not to be trusted from my 20 plus years of experience around them. They will sell you out, cut your throat or off with your head. Barbarian culture upbringing is in their blood.
    Can they be “your” neighbor, ammo up first.

  3. Mr Lib-ass, the conjoint effort says US is taking a, now get this right ahole, a backseat because they have nothing. 1st reports accused Israel, because that is exactly how terrorists work. Grab a clue asshole on how Muslims work mofo. Cause you don’t have 1 f’n clue.

  4. When a Moslem speaks he may be saying a true thing. He may be saying anything at all. The only thing I hear when a Moslem speaks is ‘this is what benefits me’. Nothing more. When a Moslem speaks to a non Moslem there is no continuum of truth. Their words are meaningless except as a hint to their desired outcome or cover for some misdeed.

    The headline really encapsulates my perspective on the Moslem at large. Had I my way each and every person of Moslem creed would be deported (after we fix the border stupidity the Moslem 0bama and the communist democrats brought about). If one resists, off with its head.

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