US labels recent Cambodia elections as “unfair and unfree” – IOTW Report

US labels recent Cambodia elections as “unfair and unfree”

Revolver: Our government either lacks any and all self-awareness or simply doesn’t care about what anybody thinks of their shameless duplicity and propaganda. That’s the only reason they would dare to call out another country for “unfair and unfree” elections, given what we experienced here in 2020 and the current actions of the Biden regime; namely, trying to imprison the 2024 frontrunner. Yet that’s precisely what the U.S. government is doing at moment — chastising Cambodia and claiming their recent election was not “free or fair.” It’s a shame that Cambodia doesn’t shoot back and say, “Your 2020 election wasn’t free or fair, and 2024 looks pretty shaky, too.” more

9 Comments on US labels recent Cambodia elections as “unfair and unfree”

  1. I spit my coffee a bit. Of course in America there are no longer any actual elections of any consequence, so it isn’t hypocritical to call out another country’s as unfree or unfair. No pot, no kettle, so to speak.

  2. Is there no level to which the Biden administration won’t stoop?
    Weaponizing federal agencies against it’s citizens, parents and opposing political parties isn’t enough?

    Now the Department of State is weaponized against other Nation/States and their internal processes?

    Why no mention of Ukraine’s suspension of elections, Clergy being arrested, imprisoned opposition leaders, corruption and ignoring the rights of their citizens?

    Does the “Big Guy” approve the actions of Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but attacks duly elected Officials of a lesser Nation/state?

    Is the Biden administration calling for an insurrection in Cambodia? Will Biden send $Billions to the Opposition party of Cambodia and our US military advisors as he has with Ukraine?

    Biden’s Foreign Relations’ failures just keep stacking up.


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