US man gets 16 years in prison for stealing, burning LGBT ‘pride’ flag – IOTW Report

US man gets 16 years in prison for stealing, burning LGBT ‘pride’ flag


A man who was arrested this summer for stealing and then lighting a church’s LGBT rainbow “pride” flag on fire has been sentenced to prison for 16 years.

Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, Iowa was found guilty last month of having committed a “hate crime” – arson – plus reckless use of explosives or fire.  

According to the Des Moines Register, Martinez stole the flag, which had been hanging at Ames United Church of Christ. Then, using lighter fluid, he burned it early on June 11, 2019 outside a strip club called Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club.  

Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said in June that “hate crime” charges were added because Martinez “is suspected of criminal mischief against someone’s property because of ‘what it represents as far as sexual orientation.’”

Many responding to the news on Twitter thought the punishment was disproportionate to the crime.

“Would stealing an American flag and setting it on fire earn anyone prison time?” asked one user. “Absolutely not.”


25 Comments on US man gets 16 years in prison for stealing, burning LGBT ‘pride’ flag

  1. Perversity has become the ruling law of the land. The moral structural strength of US society has been rotted down–that is the form of persecution that is being waged against Christians. And yes, Christians have always been vulnerable, and that is why a personal, on-going closeness with Jesus is also, always needed to stand firm in moral integrity. When the leadership of a nation becomes anti-Christ and rejects God, and exalts perversity, it descends into depravity. Don’t expect moral rightness to be honored any more by our own government or by churches teaching sexual heresy.

  2. I suspect it will be appealed and cut to time served or a fine because it won’t be long before Iowa become a laughing stock as well as a rallying cry that the left (and the gays) sure as hell don’t wont. If the Governor won’t step in then Trump should. The gays and left wouldn’t really be able to argue the point without sounding like the nazi’s they are (or at least striving to be). The DA and the Judge ought to resign from embarrassment.

  3. For the sake of history and to provide the factual information, however, logically the ruling should apply to any flag:

    When the Supreme Court ruled to allow American flag burning
    June 21, 2019 by NCC Staff

    “On June 21, 1989, a deeply divided United States Supreme Court upheld the rights of protesters to burn the American flag in a landmark First Amendment decision.
    In the controversial Texas v. Johnson case, the Court voted 5-4 in favor of Gregory Lee Johnson, the protester who had burned the flag. Johnson’s actions, the majority argued, were symbolic speech, political in nature, and could be expressed even at the expense of our national symbol and to the affront of those who disagreed with him.”

  4. obvious they want to make an example of this poor guy who did the right thing.

    makes people think twice about offending the self-righteousk, hatefilled queers and mentally defectives and their supporters.

  5. Remember: the left wants to enslave you. If it takes putting you in prison for thought crimes, so be it.

    Guard your 2A rights like the likes of these fascists are coming for them. Because they are. Then, they’re coming for you.

  6. “Would stealing an American flag and setting it on fire earn anyone prison time?”

    There is no “American” flag.

    There is a flag of The United States. The force that occupies America. For those that despise the existence of Americans.

  7. “stealing and then lighting a church’s LGBT rainbow “pride” flag on fire”

    why does a church have a “rainbow” flag?

    what church? the church of the “poisoned mind”?


    Now every time a ANTI-FA, BLM, Pink Hat groupies steals a MAGA,Don’t Trend on Me, a US Flag, pro-life or a Trump banner they can expect 16 years.

    BUT seriously, I expect the high courts to toss this out on appeal. He is likely looking at Theft and Destruction of Private Property —- 1 year tops.

  9. Why hasn’t the church stand up and express forgiveness and tolerance to this person as their “god” taught in the Bible – because they are a church that focuses on social gospel welfare and not human rights, dignity, and individual rights to choice. They have no god but satan.

    ‘fing UCC again.

  10. Socialist Left , if they were not sub human living dead, would protest this 16 year Sentence , just as Muslims throughout the land mass once known as America did after about 3000 citizens were killed one fine morning…The Left hates the individual, but loves creating groups or clans so that they can effect them through propaganda and State ‘gifts and rewards’…the hate crime in this instance was the punishment doled out, not the flag burning..everything is being turned upside down now as the Left causes chaos and destroys America, which, with open borders does not exist, and is comprised of Nihilists who have no empathy, no nobility, no grace, no connection to reality, no love, no dignity and are mentally sub human seeking power for protection of their own clan..Their strength is the ability to lie, to manipulate, to organize (Individuals are not good at this), to work for schools and government where they can mold minds to send them out to destroy civilization, like body snatchers, and ultimately to enslave the population and cull the recalcitrant..

  11. If he simply would have wiped his ass with it he’d be more revered than Harvey Milk.

    And with a name like “Harvey Milk,” that dude never had a shot at being straight.


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