US Missionaries Ambushed, Saved by Mysterious Man on Motorcycle – IOTW Report

US Missionaries Ambushed, Saved by Mysterious Man on Motorcycle

CBN: DELRAY BEACH, Fla. – A sweetheart deal on petroleum between Venezuela and Haiti ended last July, which led to a 50-percent increase in the price of fuel. In response, Haitians took to the streets, burning tires and blocking roads.

In the following months, more than 70 protesters died in the riots. Amid all this strife is a rising tide of gang violence turning some parts of Haiti into No-Go zones, even for the police.

A group of Christian missionaries traveled to Haiti in April with computers and supplies for a community center they’re helping to build.

Shortly after leaving the airport in Port-au-Prince, things went terribly wrong.

Fred Chalker, the founder of Living Waters Ministries was a part of the group. “About four hours or three and a half hours outside of Port-Au-Prince, we came upon a gang of people that were stopping traffic,” Chalker said. “We were the first ones to hit it because we were the only ones there.”

“I’ve been there a hundred, two hundred times, and never had any major problems, so this is not a normal thing that happened,” he continued. “It’s a very rare thing.”

Armed Men Surround the Missionaries’ Vehicle

What concerned the missionaries most was that many in the crowd were armed.

“The truck was just totally swarmed with men with guns and weapons. And they were pounding on the windows trying to break all the windows to get in,” said team member Jackie Brandon.

“One man’s standing there with his gun and he has two white lines down his cheek and to his chin.  And it reminded me of voodoo,” she said.  Read More

12 Comments on US Missionaries Ambushed, Saved by Mysterious Man on Motorcycle

  1. Our church has established a relationship with a village in Haiti and has been sending about 10 people each year since the earthquake. This year they were slated to go in March, but the State Department issued a warning and they decided not to go. In fact another church’s team left early and had some challenges getting out of Haiti. Not a safe place to be.

  2. Great story MJA. TY.

    The story should be titled “When deceptocrats B&H and company deceive and pilfer a society, violence ensues. Angels have to intervene.”

  3. …the Haitian flag was created by Jean-Jacques Dessalines by ripping the White stripe out of the French flag, even as he ordered all the White people who were stll dumb (French) enough to be there, murdered in a genocidal atrocity.

    …because of this, as long as it flies, I would look upon it as a WARNING to White people to NEVER go there for ANY reason, or they may just as suddenly recieve the same.

    …its presence suggests they have no regrets. White people would be as foolish to go there as a Jewish person would be to go to a Argentinean island that flew a Hitler banner. I have no sympathy for anyone who DOES get attacked for that reason, since they are well-warned of the possible consequences by THIS fact ALONE…

  4. And here I was thinking Bill Clinton solved Haiti’s problems during his administration, along with Hillary and her foundation joining in later along.

  5. What the armed mob probably saw was an angel. What the missionaries saw was an ordinary man. God does intervene by sending angels to help. I doubt that even Christians of faith can believe that.
    Hebrews 1:13-14

  6. Hey, if your’e banging’ on haiti, don’t forget killiary’s brother, tony rodham, and his exclusive gold mining contract. He gets to remove their most valuable resource, and for his profit, not theirs. Nope, nothing to see there, not at all. She says she doesn’t know anything about it.
    mining company is based in biden’s delaware, too, and it happened while he was VP


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