US Rep. Madison Cawthorn calls Ukrainian president a ‘thug’ – IOTW Report

US Rep. Madison Cawthorn calls Ukrainian president a ‘thug’

May not be popular opinion, but it’s worth considering and not dismissing under an avalanche of tongue clucking.

Madison Cawthorn saying Zalenskyy is a THUG


U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina told supporters he thought Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a “thug”—a comment that runs counter to the overwhelming share of Republicans with a favorable view of the leader fending off a military invasion from Russia.

“Remember that Zelenskyy is a thug,” Cawthorn said in a video obtained by WRAL. “Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.”

It was unclear where the video was taken. Cawthorn had a number of events in the state over the weekend.

On Thursday afternoon, one hour after WRAL reported the comments, Cawthorn appeared to walk back his remarks, saying on Twitter that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions are “disgusting.”

“I am praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people,” he added.

He also sought to justify calling Zelenskyy a “thug” by accusing the Ukrainian president of pushing “misinformation on America.”


26 Comments on US Rep. Madison Cawthorn calls Ukrainian president a ‘thug’

  1. I don’t know a lot of the details around the whole Ukraine thing, but isn’t Zelenskyy there because of the 0bama administration? And part of Biden’s money-laundering operation?

  2. Rootin for Putin.
    What does it say if Fakebook is against Putin, and banned Trump.

    “Exclusive: Facebook temporarily allows posts on Ukraine war calling for violence against invading Russians or Putin’s death”

  3. I get suspicious when all the same people, politicians, and media who have pushed the Covid narrative for the last 2 years, are now on the pro-Ukraine anti-Russia bandwagon.

  4. When all the politicians are for Ukraine
    All the social media sites are for Ukraine
    All the celebrities are for Ukraine
    All the businesses are for Ukraine
    All the lame stream media are for Ukraine
    Call me a little skeptical.

  5. All I know is Obozo and slow Joe took Ukraine under their wings 13 years ago and we find ourselves here today.
    When they finish with Europe they’re winding the Iranian music box up again.

  6. Hey WRAL, Calling Putin “disgusting” and praying for the Ukrainian people is not “walking back” anything. Balance, perhaps. Or maybe tempering. But it’s almost like you were straining to use the phrase “walk back” for some reason.

    And Michele Edwards, Joe Stalin was a “hero” when we were fighting Hitler.

    And Karl Rove, STFU.

  7. I just wanted to see what avatar I’d get assigned. It’s no fun if we have the same one.

    :embiggins the image:


    That toast monster has a wrinkly uncircumcised schlong with a crab apple head pokin’ out.

    It IS a Rosie O’Donell avatar….

  8. Why do you have a toast monster with a wrinkly schlong that has a red crab apple head pokin’ out as your avatar?

  9. I’m not lookin’ at your “purple headed yogurt thrower” it’s uncircumcised.

    Also, “purple headed yogurt thrower”.

    It’s like you’re swirling brandy before dipping an ostrich feather quill into ink.


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