US Senators and Reporters Viewed Hamas Terrorist Videos – IOTW Report

US Senators and Reporters Viewed Hamas Terrorist Videos

Newsmax reporter, Daniel Cohen, viewed videos taken by Hamas as they tortured and murdered Israelis (that so many pro-Hamas/pro-Palestinians say never happened). The IDF allowed many journalists to view the videos after they showed them to a group of visiting Senators led by Lindsey Graham.

During a discussion, Cohen asked any Democrat in the group why they are silent when Rashida Tlaib is blaming Israel for attacking Gaza. Graham spouted off about his question and asked for him to be removed. He appologized later, but too late jackwaggon. Then Susan Collins (!) came up to him later to apologize for what the jackwaggon said to him.

The Jackwaggon part starts about 4:05.

15 Comments on US Senators and Reporters Viewed Hamas Terrorist Videos

  1. Miss Lindsey has always been a douchebag, and so has that St. Bernard size piece of shit Ben Carden, Senator from the shit hole formerly known as Maryland standing next to him.

  2. It doesn’t matter where you are! We have people in Gaza who want to see Israel destroyed! We have people in the USA who want to see Israel destroyed! You’d BETTER address the situation in BOTH locations Lindsey!!

  3. Graham is one of the best endorsements out there for term limits. And I don’t mean this in a pugilistic or antagonistic manner.

    Jefferson’s vision of a representative government involved citizen politicians, dedicated freedom-loving Americans who felt a duty to serve and would devote a minimum number of years to that duty, away from family and from fortune. What we have now is so far removed that. We now have swamp creatures, dedicated to enriching themselves and protecting the grift for their fellow grifters. They are blinded to duty, honor, and in serving the country (not themselves).

  4. I wish the sc gope would find sumbody to primary miss lindsey. I have sent e-mails and letters but to no avail (and no response)! fukem!

  5. I would expect a lot more from South Carolina voters. WTF? And he’s been there forever. I think Russia’s got a hit out on him. His address can’t be that hard to find.

  6. @ Rich Taylor
    I discussed Term Limits on the Curt Schilling show a few years ago. Our forefathers made a genius document to form our government and they missed that one important piece that we needed – TERM LIMITS. And the reason why our forefathers missed it is because they did not see the future of life expectancy expanding. The term limit back then was their lifespan.
    Not their fault but I’m sure if they had a crystal ball, they would’ve implemented term limits.

  7. @mr_pinko

    I don’t think it was life expectancy so much as personal economy. Back then, an elected position meant being away from family and putting your profession on hold, whether it be your farm, your law firm, or your personal business. Most could not afford to do this for long stretches. Even the very wealthy like Washington hated to be away from home because he was removed from all the decision-making regarding the care and maintenance of his plantation.

    Government was a duty, not an avenue for wealth creation, and that dynamic has been flipped on its head.

  8. I’ve said this before, but it is time to say it again regarding term limits:

    Be careful what you wish for.

    During the Reagan administration, the Deep State believed that it didn’t have to pay attention to anything Reagan said. After all, he would be gone by January 1989 anyway. Do we really want to take away any vestige of control the people have over the Deep State?

    I understand the frustration. I agree that we need to reign in the dinosaurs. May I make two suggestions that might prove more effective:

    1. Not allow members of Congress or any close family members to play the stock market. Allow them to buy publicly available mutual funds, but do not allow them any situation where they can pick stock. These restrictions should remain in place for, say, five years after they leave office.

    2. Require that any law they pass that applies to β€œthe people” also applies to them.

    Measures such as these will probably have the Methuselahs shopping for one-way tickets on the fastest way home, but will still give us a modicum of control.


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