USA Basketball team loses again – IOTW Report

USA Basketball team loses again

Are any of you watching the Olympics? Honest question, not being sarcastic or judgemental. For a change. 😂
[Article here]

52 Comments on USA Basketball team loses again

  1. The Olympics used to be a big deal to me, both summer and winter. Watching anti American woketards isn’t my cup of haggis though, so no more Olympics for me.

  2. The link mentioned this was an “exhibition game”. why they’re playing without pants seems strange but, then again, I don’t really follow basketball.

  3. When they add the “non-binary gender” “all-drugs-permitted” events, I’m hoping Bob Costas and Johnny WeirD do all commentary on the ‘action’.

    Wouldn’t that be delicious!!!!!?

  4. Nope. I’ve pretty much tuned out of sports altogether, and ya know what? Life is just fine without it. Ya, you do miss out on those inane bar conversations with people you really couldn’t give a shit about, like “ya, herp-a-derp aint hittin like he used to, blah blah blah….”, but I’ve asjusted.

  5. A friend has gone to every summer Olympics for 4 decades. He spends at least a month, goes to as many events as he can. He says it is an amazing experience. He went to Rio, likely isn’t going this year though.
    I enjoyed the 1984 Olympics in L.A., saw the last day of the decathlon, saw a couple of great men’s volleyball matches (USA vs. Brazil both times), saw some of the rowing. I later worked with a woman who came in 4th in the long jump, and know some volleyball medal winners from later years. I love at least some of what the Olympics have done and meant.
    This year I will be in scout camp the first week, after I get home I probably will check to see who won, and maybe women’s gymnastics, but probably not much more. I appreciate the athletes and what they did to get there, but I don’t appreciate the way the Olympic Games are treated.

  6. Golf of all things is the only sport that hasn’t totally pissed me off yet, but I’m sure it will. I’m too busy trying to live and stay free for all that woke bullshit.

  7. Just my own prediction: The USA will win very few medals this year… as they are now ‘woke’. Their drive to win the gold or even anything is seriously damaged…. we can’t be the superior force on the planet anymore. Isn’t that what they are drilling into our athletes’ heads??

  8. I do like watching water polo, but the Babylon Bee recently reported that the US National Team all drowned while kneeling under water during the playing of the national anthem.

  9. I cut the cord several years ago but even if I had not, I have no interest in the Summer Olympics. Their personal stories for the participants became so sappy and pathetic. I bet one Olympian will be featured who had 2 moms or something. I’d rather walk my dog

  10. I stopped watching Olympic Basketball when the decided the Prima Donna NBA assholes could compete. Which is why they lose far more than they should. None of them work that hard.

  11. I used to love the Olympics. All the wokeness turns me off. If the U.S. Olympic committee had the balls to tell the athletes if you are not proudly representing your country, we have no use for you, I’d be a proud supporter.

    Saw Miracle on Ice the other day. Great scene where Mike Eruzione says his name, that he’s from Boston, and that he’s playing for the United States of America. Those were athletes I could support.

  12. It’s rare when I watch net-woke Television.
    Watching the severely oppressed who play professional sports flares my white rage, so I grab a “too white” woke-a-cola, pull my pants down to show half my ass and listen to gutter ghetto rap music instead.
    Now I think I deserve reparations from England’s super rich, privileged, royalty for the way my ancestors fled England, were indentured servants, fought in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.
    (the following said with a ghetto slang, mouth full of marbles) I’m a slave to the state, Shit’s real man, ya feel me?

  13. Since we cut the cable or in our case satellite cord, I’ve watched maybe a couple of selected videos of something from the Olympics. And that would be only after someone brought it to my attention.

    We cut the cord in the early 2000s, I think. So I barely know if and when the Olympics are happening nowadays.

  14. Awwww, whatsammatta, non-NBA refs won’t let them play thugball?
    The Lakers wouldn’t have beaten the Sizers if Shaq was called for every tooth he knocked out of Dikembe Mutombo’s mouth.

    And the travelling. O, the travelling.

  15. That’s what the US NBA gets for being game-throwing, kneeling, SJWs, instead of athletes.


  16. It’s not possible for me to care less, used to love watching.

    I saw a Barry Sanders(he was amazing) highlight video this morning at Doug Ross’s Journal and it made me remember how I used to enjoy a few hours of Sunday football. The fucking left shits on everything they touch.

  17. The only sports of any kind that vaguely interests me is women’s beach volleyball. And then mostly for the prancing intermission girls. The players are a little too muscular.

  18. MMinWA – I’m with you on that, brother. I’m a diehard Cowboys and Red Sox fan (I know, weird combination, but they both were on tv a lot when I was a kid). Now, I don’t bother but deep down I miss it. Asshole libtards have ruined just about everything I like, except for fishing and shooting.

    As for the Olympics, screw em. My biggest wish is to see the women’s soccer team absolutely fail.

  19. Nope. Not watching the blind workeness contaminating the Olympics that start later this month.The opening ceremonies will probably be nauseatingly woke, too.

    The exhibition and qualifying events I have seen were track and field. There had to be trannies in some of the events and I won’t support that crap.

    I will support, in spirit Olympic athletes who love The United States of America and not ashamed to be Americans.
    Not supporting Olympic athletes who are trying to change their gender, BLM racists and/or Marxists.

  20. Black power salute , turning your back to the flag , kneeling during the national anthem, transgender participants , wasting our tax dollars on this Bull Shit . Oh yea I’ll be watching , NOT. Hope the sponsors lose their ass $$$$$$$ !

  21. Chuckie-Grew up in the left field bleachers at Wrigley, lived & died with Elway and had season tickets for the 3 block walk from my ware house to Coors Field.

    I’m down to watching(and playing)Men’s ATF tennis. The left is trying and I fear when Nadal, Fed and Novak are gone, they’ll shit on the Men’s ATF too.


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