USA Today Calls The President a “Snake Oil Salesman” – IOTW Report

USA Today Calls The President a “Snake Oil Salesman”

In the process of mercilessly and pettily ridiculing the president, USA Today has ridiculed the findings of a French study that shows remarkable curative results in Covid-19 patients.

I hope this chloroquine and z-pack cocktail works, not just for the sake of stemming this epidemic, but to shove it int the face of these aholes at USA Today.

USA Today- (no link for these dbags)

One of the first acts of the federal precursor to the Food and Drug Administration in 1916 was to crack down on the sale of a cowboy’s cure-all called Stanley’s Snake Oil, which government chemists discovered promised much more than it delivered. The product helped give rise to the expression snake-oil salesman

If Donald Trump wasn’t quite the quintessential snake-oil salesman at a news briefing this week and on Twitter Saturday — touting preliminary and even unproven medical remedies to the new coronavirus pandemic — he came disturbingly close. 

Perhaps eager to demonstrate haste and hope after squandering weeks with a glacial rollout of COVID-19 testing kits, the president pitched Thursday that his FDA is now “slashing all the red tape”  to review new therapies that:

►”Have shown very encouraging — very, very encouraging early results.”

►”Could be a game changer. Very powerful.”

►”Could be a tremendous breakthrough.”


What has the president said that is inaccurate? Do these aholes know what the word “could” means?

And the tests HAVE shown early encouraging early results.

So what is their problem, exactly?


USA Today- Maybe clinical trials of these therapies will show promising results. We surely hope so. But for now, Trump risks giving Americans false hope about some pills they might use to ward off the effects of a virus 10 times more lethal, and three times as contagious, as the common flu.


Oh shut up, morons. If the president said, “I dunno, they have this drug cocktail, but I’m not feeling it. My sense is that it won’t work,” they would have, rightly so, crucified him for that.

So, what would have satisfied them?

Answer – Him not being president. So, what you’re reading are the rantings of petulant 9 year-old girls.

28 Comments on USA Today Calls The President a “Snake Oil Salesman”

  1. September 15, 1982
    Was taking a dump and needed something to wipe my ass with,,,
    looked around and noticed this discarded hunk of paper, USA Today,,
    decided F’dat then and ever since,,,

  2. Why in the world do they think that Trump came up with the idea of these medicines? Obviously he got the information from a doctor, likely a well-credentialed one. For them to call it snake oil just exposes their idiocy.
    Well I suppose that is typical. So, just another day of TDS.

  3. The average American is watching these press briefings from start to finish, because they are worried and want to get the latest news. They are at home instead of at work, they have extra time on their hands, and they are finally seeing in real time the kind of sleazy reporters, questions and overall attitude President Trump has been dealing with.

    More importantly, they are seeing for themselves (without edit or commentary) how he handles himself; his straight forward answers, forthright actions, and his complete transparency. He is talking and answering all kinds of questions, deferring to others when they are more knowledgeable about a subject. I am proud to have him as my leader.

    Even this crisis has it’s up side.

  4. Before Trump’s briefing was over, FDA trolls had contacted their media favorites to whine and naysay. FDA procedures are being sidestepped, not only on this, and they don’t like it. They are accustomed to letting people suffer and die to placate the process. Why should this be any different?

    Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t so he is going to do what he thinks is best and let the consequences fall where they may.

  5. The elites are evil.

    Americans are just slaves today. The US is not a democracy. Our overlords have decreed that we must give our DNA, photographs, and fingerprints to the government, be groped, be wiretapped, be forbidden from owning guns, be prohibited from having free speech, be banned from owning businesses, lose the right to a trial, and lose the right to be free from torture.

    The globalists, politicians, government workers, soldiers, cops, and Americans who obey and stay silent are all responsible for this prison.

    This lockdown will either be a temporary test or become permanent. The 99% will use up their savings, be forbidden from earning an income, and stocks will become worthless. Hyperinflation will happen because of government debt. Americans will lose their property due to property taxes being raised. The elites can wait out any downturn because the ruling class have billions of dollars worth of gold. Impoverished Americans will then be forced to be dependent and accept welfare and lose their government payments if they protest.

    This virus scare will be used to ban cash and force Americans to get microchip implants.

    The Internet will be shut off and checkpoints and roadblocks will be used to block food deliveries and kill off the 99% through starvation.

    The best options now seem to be to buy guns, gold, and food and get out of the USA immediately. Buy a sailboat or try to escape to the Amazon.

    Pass the word.

  6. Trump ought limit his role in the briefings to an opening statement and then let the Department heads etc speak. He rambles too much and tries to sound expert where he isn’t. Taking potshots at reporters is not a good look, no matter how much they deserve it.

  7. “… squandering weeks with a glacial rollout of COVID-19 testing kits …”
    Huh? First off, does he think President Trump builds these kits in his spare time or something? Is he aware that the kits simply didn’t exist and must be developed from scratch? Is he aware that this whole brouhaha is about a flu? And that there’s no cure for the flu, regardless of how hard you wish?

    This guy has that “Tinker Bell” syndrome (like most of the emotionally and intellectually stunted) where he believes that if he wishes hard enough things happen – that Tinker Bell can be brought back to life – but that was an animated movie by Disney – not reality.

    Pray for a nation that has imbeciles of this caliber being paid to publicly criticize the President.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Whether you choose to believe it or not, those who propagate the news either have their own agenda or are controlled or wagged by powerful knaves with agendas. That’s why we have a systematic approach to the news
    Don’t believe anything you hear unless you personally research and analyze it, then figure out which way is up

  9. They must have found out that noted TV personality and affiliate marketer, Dr. Oz is on the President’s council for sports fitness and nutrition hence the snake oil reference. They’re still printing Useless A Today?

  10. “Glacial rollout” — so much for climate change, eh, bitches?

    Perhaps “USA Today” was reminiscing about the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, (AKA Obamanation Care,) website.

    Oh, well, at least “USA Today” has a nice Sudoku app.

  11. The end result is, clinical tests of the drug with an added buffer agent works. The tests need to be done so the drug companies can patent this and make large money off our fears.
    Same as always.

  12. China’s bitches in the US, otherwise known as the democratic party, the mainstream news media, and Hollywood, have behaved like total and absolute cunts for over a decade now, and the last three and half years has shown that they all need purged from our society with extreme prejudice before they turn us all into slaves for the chinks, ragheads, and beaner cartels.

  13. This is a great thread. Necessary. I saw a similar Trump bashing article on WIRED. it was about some fag scientician who lives in San Franfeces, last name of “Brilliant”.

    The author of the article and his interviewee clearly had an agenda; Bash Trump.

    I couldn’t find anywhere to comment. That’s the equivalent of a kid calling you fat when you’re skinny and the kid keeps his fingers in his ears “la la la la la! I can’t hear you! ”

    My comment is “Trump is living in your head rent free and I deleted WIRED from my bookmarks and I will NEVER click on anything from that fag-filled fascist fucktard site, WIRED.

  14. Z-pak and chloroquine……

    I do believe they’re in the generic market……

    Therefore no big profit for BIG PHARMA and the FDA……

    Look up z-pak…’s used in pneumonia treatment…..

    Look up chloroquine……it’s used to treat lupus (infamatory immune system attacks)….

    Follow the money.

  15. Trump is right over target or he wouldn’t be getting this much flack! Of course they don’t want news of a cure or treatment because their goes their beautiful crisis right down the toilet!!

    Chloroquine has a great side effect profile, it can affect the eyes and increase the QT interval on ECG so potentially it can cause arrhythmia. Azithromycin can also prolong the QT so extra caution is needed if these meds are used together. I saw there was good data on Chloroquine alone.

    Keep praying folks these traitors are outing themselves daily!


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