USA Today Hammered the Russian Collusion at the Public For Years, Now They Quietly Say It Was Fake News – IOTW Report

USA Today Hammered the Russian Collusion at the Public For Years, Now They Quietly Say It Was Fake News

Yahoo/USA Today

Does anyone still believe the story that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 presidential election? If so, special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko should put their minds at rest.

The 39-page document is rich with detail on the origins, use and abuse of the Russian collusion story as a means to undermine the 2016 Trump campaign.

Danchenko is identified as the person who collected information “that ultimately formed the core of the allegations” in the infamous dossier by Christopher Steele. Danchenko was indicted on lying to the FBI in 2017 about who he was working with and where his information came from.

Source linked to Hillary Clinton

The indictment exposes former Hillary Clinton aide Charles Dolan, identified only as “PR Executive-1,” as an important Danchenko source. Dolan allegedly fed Danchenko information he claimed he had obtained when he “had a drink with a GOP friend,” but later admitted he had fabricated the story. The indictment also shows that PR Executive-1 was an important source for reporting by The Washington Post and the Times of London when the Steele dossier scandal broke in January 2017.

The Danchenko indictment is particularly telling in detailing how the fake story was inserted into the political ecosystem, starting with Dolan and perhaps others. Danchenko allegedly fed the falsehoods to Steele, a British former intelligence operative hired by Fusion GPS to conduct the research.


That makes it all okay? One article, and then move on?

6 Comments on USA Today Hammered the Russian Collusion at the Public For Years, Now They Quietly Say It Was Fake News

  1. Hey Larry, Bob Bob, I hope this isn’t some of the evidence you were using to defend your position.
    There are some true shit shovelers in the media and in congress. The rest of us are trying not to get hit.

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