USA TODAY hits new nadir in “journalism” – IOTW Report

USA TODAY hits new nadir in “journalism”

I’m doing a form of “doxing” by providing visual aids for anyone out there that is as outraged by this story as I am.

I’m not saying you should do anything to these people, but, if by chance they are going over a waterfall, don’t extend a branch to these $hitstains.




What did they do?

These jerks used the USGA handicap system to cross-reference Trump golf course members with days they played when Trump was at the course.

Through this connection they’ve smeared 4500 citizens with the charge that they have unfair access to the president, making the stretch that simply paying to be members is a sort of payola in order to gain favoritism with Trump.

They also end their article by asking any club members to come forward and “aid their investigation” by giving them information, the logical impact being to damage the president.

“Are you currently, or have ever been, a member of a Trump owned golf club?”

Of these 4500 golfers, how many were members before Trump announced his presidential bid?

Here are some revelations uncovered by these investigative journalists-

CEOS play golf.

Rich people play golf.

Trump plays golf.

These are some things these investigative journalists seem to have missed-

People pay $10,000 for a plate of free range chicken to gain access to presidents and presidential candidates.

The Clinton Foundation charged for access to Hillary Clinton.

Campaign contributions are often to curry favor with the candidate.

I am completely floored that USA Today would use this information to make nefarious claims through innuendo and weird dot-connecting.

But, then again, Gannett doxed thousands of legal handgun owners.





23 Comments on USA TODAY hits new nadir in “journalism”

  1. I doubt these pansies know what end of a paddle to use.
    I will promise to not stop and tell them about red bugs, when I see them on the side of the road, loading their trunk up with Spanish moss.

  2. Like there wasn’t other news for them to cover right now, so they had to fake some up by doxing people who enjoy golf.

    Why didn’t they spend this amount of time on the international criminals throwing money at the Clinton’s and their Foundation, why did I have to read about what those crooks were up in “Clinton Cash?”

  3. It’s Much easier For a Lib To Get Hillary’s Ear at a High Brow Cocktail Party in The Hamptons, Than it is to Get to a Man on The Golf Course !!!
    Golf Members Are far More Visible , even in the Clubhouse !

  4. Dear Brad:
    I wish to congratulate you and your four comrades, Aamer, Fredreka, Nick, and Steve, on your excellent expose of Donald Trump and his Golf Courses, Links, Clubhouses, members, and what have you. I’ve played golf for over fifty years and never had an inkling of what you just exposed.
    Regular Woodwards and Bernsteins you are.
    I never knew that there are such things as “Private Clubs” with members who pay outrageous fees just to mingle with their peers, and relax over eighteen holes; down a few cocktails, have diner, and make deals. Never knew that. Well that’s not quite true Bradley, I have heard of places like that, but never got close to them. Bottom line is Bradley is that you and your cohort so called “Journalists” are assholes.

  5. On August 18 I cancelled my daily paper subscription because I could no longer tolerate the 8 page USA Today insert they included every week day.

    Unfortunately the regular paper would always re-print at least half of the same articles as national news.

    I told the publisher (when I called they put me through!) that if I wanted a USA Today I’d buy it and also that I was tired of their continuing mis-printing of a word. He asked me what word that was and I replied, “immigrant, it actually should be spelled i-l-l-e-g-a-l a-l-i-e-n.” No response.

  6. Yep, the Left is appallingly disgusting in the lows they will stoop to.

    I wanted to torture myself so I went onto and while I was on there, I clicked on the article “9/11 Sixteen Years Later”

    – the Comments section is chock full of racist screeds from Leftist anti-semites and Filthy Mohammedan Savages, claiming the WTC attacks were a Jewish Plot, Jews had bought the WTC and overinsured it and blew it up for the insurance money, etc (somehow they all conveniently “forget” that the Pentagon was attacked too and that Flight 93’s Filthy Mohammedan Savages planned on flying into the US Capitol Building)

    But there were a few of us on there, calling out the Left and the assholes at Yahoo News, condemning them for deliberately not mentioning that the attacks were caused by Islam and its enslaved brainwashed Mohammedan followers. By far, the best comment was “I remember seeing that historic figure topple to the ground. But enough about Hillary’s visit there last year.” That dude Wins The Internets!!

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