USA Today Poll Has Biden in Uncharted Territory – 38% Approval Rating – IOTW Report

USA Today Poll Has Biden in Uncharted Territory – 38% Approval Rating

This is historic for a first term.

81 million people, my ass.

USA Today-

A year before the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans hold a clear lead on the congressional ballot as President Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to a new low of 38%.

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, taken Wednesday through Friday, found that Biden’s support cratered among the independent voters who delivered his margin of victory over President Donald Trump one year ago. 

Biden and his party are poised for a rebound, advocates argue, after the House passed a $1.2 trillion “hard” infrastructure bill late Friday, sending the signature measure to Biden’s desk for his signature. An encouraging economic report released Friday morning showed stronger-than-expected job growth.

Kamala Harris:Liberals saw Harris as a unique champion. Lately, they’re disappointed.

What Americans want Biden to do:What’s the one thing Americans want Biden to do in 2022? We asked them.

That said, the survey illuminates the size of the hole Democrats need to dig out of as they look toward the elections in one year – on Nov. 8, 2022 – that will determine control of Congress and shape the second two years of Biden’s term. 


even cnn’s poll is bad for biden-

25 Comments on USA Today Poll Has Biden in Uncharted Territory – 38% Approval Rating

  1. Liberals never, ever, saw Kamala as anything. DNC just shoved her in there because she checked enough boxes and was willing to prostitute her ethnicity for fame. She will never win an election. Hell, even Dominion can’t get her to win an election by herself.

  2. But this is what the Dem☭kkkrats wanted! How can his poll numbers be that low for the most Popular President in History! Dem☭kkkrats OWN what is happening to America under their God and Savior Biden! Let’s Go Brandon!

  3. And yet he can still do whatever he wants, with absolutely no threat of impeachment or even censure, and we will all suffer for it.

    He’s probably hoping to starve us and freeze us into submission over the long winter filled with shortages he deliberately caused. The slaves will cry out for him to assume dictatorial powers to “end this”, then the new Soviet State will TRULY dawn.

    There are no accidents.

    And this isn’t one either.

  4. Wow! Good thing approval rating mean exactly jack shit.

    It’s like which paper towel picks up more baby ass effluent. The loser doesn’t get taken off the market.

    Pep Rally bullshit.

  5. I was going to comment, but my thoughts about what is going on are so toxic I probably shouldn’t comment at all. It’s better that way for the moment.

    We’re all in the same place.

  6. Maybe Trump should just stop contesting the election. Millions of Americans have yet to realize the failure of socialism and the value of freedom and independence.

    It will be a hard but needed lesson for them.

  7. Treasonous Usurpers rarely GAF about “likability” numbers.

    Corrupt, pedophilic, retarded, pants-pooping, Treasonous Usurpers NEVER GAF about “likability” numbers.

    Fuck Joe Biden
    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

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