USA Woman’s Powerlifting bans competitors born men – IOTW Report

USA Woman’s Powerlifting bans competitors born men

usa powerlifting-

Two areas of policy impact such participation:

The first has to do with the use of testosterone or other androgens, commonly used to assist in transition from female to male.  By virtue of the anabolic nature of these compounds, they are not allowed, nor is a Therapeutic Use Exemption granted for such use for anyone.  This applies to any and all medical conditions which might be treated through use of androgens.

The second area involves the participation of male to female competitors.  Through analysis the impact of maturation in the presence naturally occurring androgens as the level necessary for male development, significant advantages are had, including but not limited to increased body and muscle mass, bone density, bone structure, and connective tissue.  These advantages are not eliminated by reduction of serum androgens such as testosterone yielding a potential advantage in strength sports such as powerlifting.


14 Comments on USA Woman’s Powerlifting bans competitors born men

  1. Finally, a glimmer of common sense.
    Just a wishy, washy glimmer, the door to accept perverted, maladjusted, transgender male competitors in women’s sport in the future is wide open.

    Cue the pervert community to castigate the USA Woman’s Powerlifting to allow men to compete against women.

  2. That’s why M/F gender will be eliminated from birth certificates so freaks can fill in a blank as freak’s fluidity allows. That’s so there is no “proof.” It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with biology and what God gave and what’s sensible. It has everything to do with what that particular person(?) identifies as. USA Woman’s Powerlifting will be declared a hate group, if not already.

  3. …nice that someone has a semi-sane moment occasionally, but there is no such thing as “transitioning” between male and female in EITHER direction. Male or female is ground into every cell in your body. It’s not something you can cut off or stitch on, EVERYTHING is different. Skeletal structure, internal organs, the arragrment of those organs, hormones, growth patterns and sizes, even how a brain is wired are just SOME of the observable, measurable, IMMUTABLE differences between the sexes.

    If you cut something off a man and sew something on a man somewhere else, all you’ve done is mutilate a man. You didn’t TRANSITION anything. Same goes for women.

    Throwing hormones where they don’t belong doesn’t change that. The body is still set up a cetain way, and the hormones do not regenerate, so you have to KEEP throwing them in. And still, all you’ve done is chemically mutilate a man, it’s still funamentally a man.

    You are what God made you. Shaking your fist in His face, whether doctors help you do it or not, won’t change it.

    …and here’s a short sketch on the absurdity of it all…

  4. Back in old Greece a woman infiltrated the Olympic training (as a coach, if I remember correctly) and was only discovered after her student had won.
    The Greeks (apparently pissed off) declared the “Gymnasium” – the “exercise naked” place – for all future Olympians where all the athletes and their coaches had to workout unclothed.

    Not even this modest(?) requirement would suffice now where surgeons button and tuck, mutilating their patients.
    We are living in absurd times.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. …the last line kind of sums up EVERYTHING the left tries to do, @thedolfer, and none the worse for being 30 years old.

    Glad you enjoyed it, but keep in mind that if a British comedy troupe made these kinds of things NOW, they’d probably be put in jail next to Tommy Robinson…


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