USAID Money For Syria Being Poured “down a Middle East rathole” – IOTW Report

USAID Money For Syria Being Poured “down a Middle East rathole”

The United States has given roughly $6 billion in aid to those impacted by the Syrian Civil War. Since the conflict zone is so dangerous, USAID has not implemented the standards of auditing and control that it has used in other war torn nations like Iraq and Afghanistan. The result has been millions lost to fraudulent contracts, bid-rigging and kickback schemes.  More


7 Comments on USAID Money For Syria Being Poured “down a Middle East rathole”

  1. Damn right Grayjohn. I just saw an unedited video of U.S. supported “moderate” muslims beheading a 12 year old boy on the back of a pickup truck. We should not be supporting or having anything to do with these animals.

  2. Six Thousand Million Dollars. Think about that for a moment.

    Your tax money they gave away to a muslim shithole.

    Or more correctly, they gave to politically connected people.

    And we let these people tell us what to do.

  3. I would not give anything to any aid mission slated for Syria since things are so muddled I wouldn’t know if it was going to good guys, bad guys, or if there are even any good guys there.

  4. That is a small amount of money poured down a rathole compared to what is dumped in the rathole of government union employees.
    If those people in the middle east weren’t suffering so badly already I would suggest we use the $6B to ship our government union employees there to “help” them the way they do us.

  5. To the freaking government, there is always more where that came from. Print it, coerce it, confiscate it and tax it! They have it down to a science! Tax and spend at will is now written into the Supreme Courts new and revised version of the Constitution!

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