USSOCOM to Use Private Sector to Deploy AI Censorship of the Internet – IOTW Report

USSOCOM to Use Private Sector to Deploy AI Censorship of the Internet


The goal is the “PRIVATE SECTOR VERSION.”  USSOCOM [United States Special Operations Command] is the mechanical funding mechanism for deployment, because the system itself is too costly for a private sector launch.   The Defense Dept budget is used to contract an Artificial Intelligence system, the Argus anomaly detection AI, to monitor social media under the auspices of national security.

Once the DoD funded system is created, the “Argus detection protocol” – the name given to the AI monitoring and control system, will then be made available to the public sector.  “Enterprise Argus” is then the commercial product, created by the DoD, which allows the U.S. based tech sectors to deploy.

The DoD cannot independently contract for the launch of an operation against a U.S. internet network, because of constitutional limits via The Posse Comitatus Act, which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.  However, the DoD can fund the creation of the system under the auspices of national defense, and then allow the private sector to launch for the same intents and purposes.   See how that works?  More

7 Comments on USSOCOM to Use Private Sector to Deploy AI Censorship of the Internet

  1. Corporate fascism instead of legally prohibited government fascism. Nothing new in this. We’ve growing it by leaps and bounds since the end of WWII.

    But it does show us how much we stand to lose once our legal protections are destroyed completely – which I suspect is less than one generation away.

  2. When the CIA, FBI, ATF, IRS, NSA, DOD, other Federal Agencies, Congress and the President blatantly ignore the Constitution and Federal Laws, what makes you think the Posse Comitatus Act has any standing??


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