UT Austin Will Have “Open D!ldo Carry” To Protest New Concealed Carry Law At Austin Campus – IOTW Report

UT Austin Will Have “Open D!ldo Carry” To Protest New Concealed Carry Law At Austin Campus

This mini-documentary is a crock of progressive misinformation and bullsh!t.

The new concealed carry law coincides with the 50th anniversary of the first major school shooting in America. Charles Whitman climbed to the top of a tower on the Austin campus and began firing at people with a deer rifle.

What this documentary leaves out is that if it were not for the college kids shooting back at Whitmore, with their own rifles, the death toll would have been much higher.

These armed heroes kept Whitmore’s head down for fear of being killed.

The rest of this crapola is equally ridiculous, including the protest and the open d1ldo carry.

ht/ fdr in hell

30 Comments on UT Austin Will Have “Open D!ldo Carry” To Protest New Concealed Carry Law At Austin Campus

  1. Obviously the people who carry dildos are liberal homosexuals.
    There are no men on campus
    They are snowflakes.
    Two to 4 years mandatory military service before college will turn these women
    into men.

  2. One idiot stated that “guns are grosser than dildos”. There is a thriving market for used guns ……… I’m guessin’ not so much for used dildos. Explain to me the basis for that statement again.

  3. Uncle Al, There is a Texas law prohibiting objects like that from being openly exposed in public. Get a ticket and fine.

    They are trying to make the point that they are not dangerous, yet they are breaking the law while not really harming anyone = nor is tehre any threat of being killed by one – arguable in a humorous way – while guns are OK.

  4. Uncle Al, There is a Texas law prohibiting objects like that from being openly exposed in public. Get a ticket and fine.

    They are trying to make the point that they are not dangerous, yet they are breaking the law while not really harming anyone – nor is there any threat of being killed by one – arguable in a humorous way – while guns are OK.

    Basic stance:
    “You can carry a gun, but I can’t carry this?”

    More “dildos in Texas trivia”: They’re not allowed to look realistic.

    In a state where it was illegal to sell many certain products on consective a Saturday and Sunday in one weekend – these laws were called “Blue Laws” – it’s a relic of the mindset that ruled the day decades or even over a century ago.

    It’s a “Baptists made those laws” thing.

    In the 60s, Dallas’ sidewalks were rolled up on Sundays and few stores were open. That finally was stricken in the 80s and allowed Macy’s, Sears, etc to be open 7 days a weeks.

    There was all kinds of crazy coming from the Luddites. “You’re driving up the cost of doing business – now they’ll have to pay over time” was one of the oft repeated arguments.

    Completely ignoring the fact more jobs were then available to be filled by other 40/week (or less) workers.

  5. @Dadof4 – Thanks. Knowing about the blue laws makes the protest idea a bit less nonsensical, but doesn’t help those protesters be less full of crap.

    I knew there were still blue laws on the books in Louisiana, but Texas was a mild surprise. When I was a teenager in Virginia, you could buy a camera on Sundays, but not film. I never heard even a lame attempt to explain that one!

  6. @Uncle Al: I can explain the Blue Laws here in Texas with one word: Baptists.

    We got ’em in spades.

    P.S. – You want silly? At one time here on Sunday you could buy monofilament line for your fishing rod, but not your weedwhacker. Same stuff, different purpose.


  7. You couldn’t buy a baby bottle but you could buy the formula.

    The most often complaint I heard: What do you mean I can’t buy panty hose? From the baby bottles to panty hose, I think the women were all on the side of getting rid of the law.

    7-11 got around the law by being confusing to the general public. They chose Saturday as the day they wouldn’t sell prohibited items.

    Then they would sell them both days because no one would even think about it not being allowed on Saturday when every other store in existence was selling what would be, almost universally, prohibited items the next day.

    When Sunday rolled around and nothing was off limits, some people would ask how this was so and 7-11 would come back with the letter of the law on the “consecutive days of a weekend” and let people know their policy was to not sell them on Saturday.

    I think that helped turn the tide by showing it was ridiculous in the first place. Since 7-11 had no competition on these items on Sundays – all the other businesses had even more incentive to lobby for it’s change.

    It just made sense to drop it. The public had little to no support for the law. Personally surprised it lasted into the 80s

    I think Irony’s suggestion is a good one. Yet, if presented to a lefty they would scoff saying the police would protect them. The same police that are never there during the crime that happens to YOU.

  8. Always a ludicrous argument from lefties.

    Gross has no bearing on the subject.

    If it did, we could outlaw the whole of progressives and banish them to remote islands where they could live out their lives in peace.

  9. What’s the difference between a Baptist and a Catholic?
    The Catholic will make eye contact in a liquor store.

    Never take one Baptist fishing, he will drink all your beer.
    Take two, they will watch each other.

  10. When the medical examiner did the autopsy on Chrles Whitman, they found a tiny Democrat inside his head, pushing buttons and operating levers. When they performed the autopsy on the tiny Democrat, they found massive levels of rage-inducing, mind-altering SSRI drugs in his brain.

  11. @ bho
    Yes, they returned fire, otherwise the cop who surprised him and killed him wouldn’t have been able to do it if Whitman had been standing up walking around.

    After Whitman had been shot several times he lay there, the cop who had shot his handgun at Whitman grabbed the shotgun from the man who had actually killed Whitman and pumped a 12 ga. 00 buck point blank into his chest. Then he crowed he had killed Whitman, when autopsied it was actually Houston McCoy who had killed him.
    Whitman had a brain tumor.

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