Utah Man Breaks Into Home, Makes Improvements After Owner Refused To Sell – IOTW Report

Utah Man Breaks Into Home, Makes Improvements After Owner Refused To Sell

KFI: A 25-year-old Utah man is facing multiple charges after ignoring repeated orders to stay away from a property he failed to buy. Police say Andrew Blackman made an offer of $90,000 on the house, but the homeowner ignored the lowball price. Blackman wasn’t ready to give up on the property and managed to track down the elderly woman who owned property.

He confronted the woman at her house and she again refused to sell her second property for $90,000. Blackwell then allegedly told her he would forge documents and take ownership of the house.

After failing to purchase the property, Blackwell decided to make himself at home. He changed the locks and started clearing everything out of the house. more here

15 Comments on Utah Man Breaks Into Home, Makes Improvements After Owner Refused To Sell

  1. That neighborhood is very popular among hipsters, many of whom espouse the squatter ethic. He is probably also drug-addled, also common in that area.

    The irony here is that we are experiencing a housing price boom from the influx of Californians fleeing the housing price boom there. Five or ten years ago, that house probably would have sold for $90,000 (now valued at over $250,000). My property, not in a particularly good part of town, but comfortable, has almost doubled in price in less than five years. I honestly doubt I could sell it for that much, but that is what the “market” says it is worth (which means my property taxes have almost doubled in five years).

    A couple of long cold winters with endless weeks of ice fog should remedy the influx. I ought to improve my insulation before hoping too strongly for it.

  2. AC,
    Same here.Paid 86K for my chicken shack
    about 27 years ago.Would sell for 220K now because
    of the influx from libtards bailing out from demonrat
    states.La Marque can only be described as the
    “festering odiferous oozing syphilitic chancre on the
    butt of Galveston County”.Alot of blacks shooting up
    the place.Alot of drugs that are delivered all over the

  3. @ACParker — “A couple of long cold winters with endless weeks of ice fog should remedy the influx. I ought to improve my insulation before hoping too strongly for it.”

    I hate to break it to you, but 30 years ago I was hoping the same thing about Seattle’s weather keeping them in check, too. Long(er) winters, sometimes with endless rain. All they did was outfit themselves in REI and Eddie Bauer gear from head to toe. For a while they all looked like Norwegian loggers and fishermen — even the women. Remember the plaid flannel shirt craze? That was the big giveaway as to who was from California. I thought it was because their only prior exposure to Seattle was “Here Come the Brides” and “Twin Peaks.”

  4. …big deal. This guy broke into the White House in ’08, used it as his personal toilet for 8 YEARS, and stole from an entire NATION’S worth of neighbors while he was there.

    It took THAT LONG to find someone with the courage to evict him…

  5. He is just trying to make a better life for himself. Or does that argument only work for illegal aliens? But the analogy is pretty on the nose. They (illegals) break into our home (America) and proceed to make themselves at home. Hopefully, this guy will be thrown out in short order. Wish the illegals would be, too.


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