Utah Mayor Announces Campaign to Unseat Mitt Romney – IOTW Report

Utah Mayor Announces Campaign to Unseat Mitt Romney


A Utah mayor has announced he is running for Senate to unseat incumbent Sen. Mitt Romney.

Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs announced his candidacy in a video posted to Twitter.

In the video, Staggs pointed out that we currently have more IRS agents than border agents and that Americans face astronomically high gas prices as our politicians continue sending money to Ukraine.

“Washington is broken, and every time we compromise it costs us trillions. We have more IRS agents than border agents, and while we’re paying four dollars a gallon for gas, they’re sending money unchecked to Ukraine. We’re almost $32 trillion in debt. Enough is enough,” Staggs said.

15 Comments on Utah Mayor Announces Campaign to Unseat Mitt Romney

  1. ….and in other news, water is wet.

    Politicians from this point forward need to be financially responsible for their actions and also need to take a test of 200 questions picked from a possible 50,000 questions – and must not be multiple choice.

    Graded by constitutional scholars. 95% is passing.

    Failed candidates are barred forever from running for any elected position.

  2. Some think retirement age is 65; but, butt … the IRS requires the people with 401k retirement plans begin making withdrawals at 72. That’s it … 72. Once politicians reach 72, they should be set out by the curb with the rest of the trash. Willard Milton Romney is 76.

  3. I know nothing about the guy, I don’t live in Riverton (IIRC, south edge of the Salt Lake valley).
    But I’ll definitely look him up.

  4. Willard the Carpetbagger, failed GOP presidential campaign, follower of the False Prophet Joseph Smith.
    Willard oved to Utah as a member and follower of Joseph Smith the a false prophet.
    Compare what Smith, the blasphemer, says to Scripture and if what the so called prophet teaches contradicts Scripture, then he is false.
    It only takes one false prophecy to make a prophet false, Deuteronomy 18:20-2.
    Mormonism is a false religion, leading thousands on the “wide” path.

  5. I can never dismiss a possible win for our Republic. I will pray that God moves to intervene in the devils plans. I’ll leave the details up to God, but HE is the true ruler of this world. He released Satan to do his thing, but all is still under God’s rule.

    If this man is part of the turnaround our nation needs, then I’m praying for him to succeed, vote fraud or not.

    All through scripture you read where God installs the government of the nations. You think Babylon just waltzed in to Jerusalem to conquer them and destroy the temple? Nope, God planned it. Read Jeremiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel. God used Babylon to punish evil AND draw back his people to him.

    God is doing that to us now. Many Christians around the world are praying for God’s mercy and are working to bring him back into our society. I don’t know what his plan is. Could be this is the End Times, could be he is giving us another chance to come back to him. I’m ready for either scenario, whichever one is God’s plan.

    But, I’m not going to give up until I’m flying up to meet Jesus in the clouds, or when my time comes to meet him after I’m dead.


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