Utah Shepherds Ask People To Stop Stealing Their Sheep Dogs – IOTW Report

Utah Shepherds Ask People To Stop Stealing Their Sheep Dogs


Officials with the Utah Department of Agriculture of Food said they want to spread the word to people — stop taking farm dogs off of ranches and grazing areas.

So far, in 2021, there have been 11 incidents of dogs being taken.

KSL-TV spoke to one rancher who understands it’s probably people wanting to help, but at the same time, feels enough is enough.

It’s still pretty quiet in Box Elder County, just outside of Elwood, but it’s not as quiet as Lane Jensen remembers growing up there.

“It is changing,” he said. “This year especially, there has been some big impacts.”

It’s not so much the new housing developments in the area that bother ranchers like him, even though there are plenty of new homes in this part of the county.

Jensen is more concerned about people taking his dogs. More

9 Comments on Utah Shepherds Ask People To Stop Stealing Their Sheep Dogs

  1. When a certain group of people moved into the hood, dogs and cats started disappearing – including my dog! I would have these horrible visions of my dog on a spit rolling over flames. Feral dogs are no more here as well. Fiah & Game started arresting this group for poaching deer and squirrel.

  2. Were they Asian by any chance? Or American Indians or did barry move close by and develop a hankering for roast dog. One of my brother in laws lost one of his dogs on an Indian reservation once and he never figured what happened to it. Dog (or cat), it’s what’s for dinner!

  3. We have livestock guardians, but the old man who trains the younger ones trains them to keep their distance from strangers. You come on our property and they soon will let you know you should probably leave, most never get our of their vehicles.

    The problem is sometimes they wander if someone else has animals that need guarding and they won’t bother you, but they won’t come near you either.

  4. The assholes are fleeing the shithole cities they created, and moving to the rural areas, to ruin them too. Over one and a half million illegals so far this year, with over 2 million by the end of the year. And this was before the disaster in Afghanistan, and all the asylum seekers. Where are they all going? To your little piece of paradise.


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