UW-Madison Incoming Freshmen Taught ‘Not Manditory’ Is Same As ‘Requirement’ – IOTW Report

UW-Madison Incoming Freshmen Taught ‘Not Manditory’ Is Same As ‘Requirement’

Administrators at the University of Wisconsin-Madison wants to make sure all of its incoming freshmen go through a “diversity program” before entering the dorms, but they don’t want to admit to the public that completion of the program is required before being allowed in.

Thus the UW-Madison spokes-hole told Campus Reform that, while it is “a requirement and an expectation,” the school has never “described it as mandatory.”


Better suck it up kids, they’re going to treat you like this for the next four years of your life.

16 Comments on UW-Madison Incoming Freshmen Taught ‘Not Manditory’ Is Same As ‘Requirement’

  1. @Brad – “Where’s Paul Ryan?”

    He’s busy crafting emergency legislation with Mitch McConnell (and he’s already gotten assurances from Juan McCain and Lindsey Grahamnesty on their support) to insure that students only be required to take the BS course rather than the university making it mandatory.

    Priorities ya know – he has to take care of the important stuff before he can be bothered with trivial things like the debt ceiling and building the wall.

  2. Sending your children to college now days is like submerging them in a cesspool of leftist propaganda. They’ll need the equivalent of a cult deprogramming regimen to clear their minds.

  3. A diversity program hah! Is that where everyone finds out that diversity sucks and some people are far better, smarter and abler than others regardless of race, color creed or national origin!


    ◾ Governor: REPUBLICAN Scott Walker
    ◾ Senate: REPUBLICAN: 20 to 13
    ◾ Assembly: REPUBLICAN: 64 to 35

    There is no excuse not to rein in the fascist liberal university that is located in the same city.

    Free speech zones, radical studies, freedom of speech protests, diversity training, concealed gun permits. ALL are within reach of the Republican-controlled government. Yet again, they choose to be bullied around by campus administrators.

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