UW-Madison Students Want Lincoln Statue Removed – IOTW Report

UW-Madison Students Want Lincoln Statue Removed

Campus Reform

Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are demanding that the university remove and replace a statue of Abraham Lincoln.

“Many UW-Madison students wait to take their picture on the lap of the Abe Lincoln statue atop Bascom Hill when they graduate,” a Change.org petition states. “However, few know how this statue got to the top of the hill, and who put it there.”

The petition, which has more than 300 signatures, goes on to take issue not necessarily with the statue depicting Lincoln, who the author says had a “questionable” history when it came to race relations, despite the fact that Lincoln, as president, issued the Emancipation Proclamation aimed at freeing slaves. More

11 Comments on UW-Madison Students Want Lincoln Statue Removed

  1. Sounds like 300 signatures are a lot but if it’s from the whole student body it’s nothing. Having said that I would hope some enterprising students would get the names from the petitions and use them to get the home addresses and send a letter to the petitioners parents (who are picking up the tab for these young self-styled revolutionaries) showing them what their kids are up to. Bet most of them would be snapped back pretty hard (and lose their Visa/Debit cards) by Mom and Dad.

  2. So long as the attack is on monuments such as this and no mention of Woodrow Wilson there can be no doubt that this is 100% top down controlled and directed by people outside the black community.

    These decisions are not arising organically from within the black community and the people directing this uprising are using the black masses to further their own ends.

    It could not be more transparent what this is all about. The death of black men is of no concern to those directing this farce. Their death is nothing but pretext to try to advance the agenda of the progressive movement.

    Despicable is too mild a word, but perhaps it does come closest.

  3. @scr_north, I doubt it. If the parents had ever shown any inclination towards discipline, their little darlings would not be acting out now. Those parents would come up with every excuse they could find for the behavior of their kids. Most would probably just deny it.

  4. Sure let’s remove it but at same let’s remove all federal student aid programs. All the federal programs do was continually raise price of higher learning while lowering the quality.


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