VA Does Away With “Official Time” – IOTW Report

VA Does Away With “Official Time”

Washington Free Beacon-

Taxpayers will no longer foot the bill for union officials at the Veterans Administration.

The Trump administration issued a new policy that will put an end to the practice known as official time, which forces the federal government to continue paying employees for work conducted on the union’s behalf, for medical staffers. More

4 Comments on VA Does Away With “Official Time”

  1. The VA spent $49 million to cover union activities in 2016.

    The nurse’s experience at the agency is not an aberration. Nearly 300,000 VA employees spent 1.1 million hours conducting union business on the taxpayers’ dime, according to a 2015 report from the non-partisan Government Accountability Office.
    The move sparked anger from the American Federation of Government Employees, which accused the White House of undermining the rights of workers. Union boss J. David Cox said the reforms represented a “grave disservice to our nation’s veterans.”

    If it weren’t for leftist stenographer media, most of America would have already known this. The damage it does may be incalculable.


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