Va. Gov. Northam’s medical school yearbook page shows men in blackface, KKK robe – IOTW Report

Va. Gov. Northam’s medical school yearbook page shows men in blackface, KKK robe

As per the left’s own rules, Northam must resign.


A spokeswoman for the governor did not have an immediate response.

The web site Big League Politics first posted the picture Friday afternoon.


ht/ corky, toby miles, fdr in hell, Phenry

59 Comments on Va. Gov. Northam’s medical school yearbook page shows men in blackface, KKK robe

  1. “As per the left’s own rules, Northam must resign.”

    Since when? The rule is that Democrat KKK get elevated to leadership posts and any politician with any connection whatsoever to any such group, who claims to be a Republican, irrespective of of how marginal their acceptance from within the Republican Party, is made the face of the Republican Party.

    Northam, being a Democrat… you do the math.

  2. Resign Northam. You will be pushed out soon anyway. Youthful silliness 35 years ago is punishable by political death sentence today. Your team wrote those rules. Now die by them.

  3. Well, well, well… the democRATz set the new standard of getting in Mr Peabody´s Wayback Machine to look at everything with Brett Kavenaugh. Enjoy some of yer own medicine thar Ralph… not to mention celebrating the rich history of democRATz!!
    Suck it Northam.
    Suck it hard!

  4. I see it a bit different than most, Northam with his remarks yesterday, has elevated himself to “Wendy Davis status” and now has the protection of the most powerful faction within the coalition that makes up the Democrat base. He enjoys protected status now.

  5. Attacks on Kavanaugh for what was claimed he did 35 years ago…
    Hmmm, this was 1984.
    Attacks on Covington kids for being racist…
    He was an adult and should have known better.

    Let’s throw these back in the democrap plantation’s face.
    This guy shouldn’t last a week.

  6. Though I was errant for a good bit, I’m unaware of a recall here in vagina in my lifetime, but there seems to be at least a couple of our “elected” that are in line for it.
    I still say northam is henry lee lucas’ long lost twin brother.

  7. @JDHasty: “…now has the protection of the most powerful faction within the coalition that makes up the Democrat base…”

    I hope they do embrace him. He does embody the foundations of their platform. He is their poster boy. What is necessary is to point that out and make them defend it. Publicly. Not merely a dismissal, but they need to be made to justify their positions. In the light of their recent attacks on others for similar offenses. Get ’em while they’re running around and then wait for the next next opportunity. Repeat as necessary.

  8. JUST IN:

    Northam just admitted it was him in the photo but didn’t say which one he was in the picture. He’s super super sorry, you guys, for disappointing his state, etc. Also, he says he’s going to work on it. [Work on what? Who knows!] But he’s super super sorry. No mention of him retiring.

    Also, his Lt. gov is BLACK. No word from him yet. LOL!

  9. Here’s his “apology”:
    In a statement, Northam (D) said, “I recognize that it will take time and serious effort to heal the damage this conduct has caused. I am ready to do that important work. The first step is to offer my sincerest apology and to state my absolute commitment to living up to the expectations Virginians set for me when they elected me to be their Governor.”

  10. And he likes beer (see it in his hand and read his quote). Didn’t Dims get all over Kavanaugh because he said he liked beer in his yearbook?

    And…his nickname at VMI was “Coonman”!!

  11. His Black lt. gov is in the worst position right now. Whatever he says next is going to determine what happens to gov. Wait til the black hate groups gets a hold of the lt. gov filling his head full of ideas.

  12. Just waiting for the, ‘that’s not who I am’ bullshit.

    Absolutely disgusting, but not nearly as bad as his promotion of infanticide.

    Crickets to the left of me.

  13. Feel the rhythm with your hands

    Steal the rhythm while you can, Coonman

    Speak the rhythm on your own

    Speak the rhythm all alone, Coonman

    All my friends are Indians

    (All my friends are brown and red)


    All my friends are skeletons

    (And beat the rhythm with their bones)


  14. Let’s make him comfortable before we take the poultry shears to his spinal cord.

    When that pic was the opening story on NBC Nightly News your goose is cooked.

    So now we get the unknown Justin Fairfax as Gov. who may well get 6 years in office. VA is a single term 4 year governorship, I don’t know the rules, but this may not turn out well for Virginia

  15. This is FAKE NEWS
    The guy on the left is clearly a coal miner after a long day extracting solid fossil fuels from underground and the guy on the right is one of those European Jesuit Catholic cult members, neither has anything to do with racism.
    I know that because the KKK suit and hood I purchased from the official DNC apparel web site doesn’t look anything like that.

  16. DaRueStir If I shop there can I get 20 feet of rope and does the noose come pre-tied ’cause I never learned anything sitting at a computer in mom’s basement but I want to join Antifa


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