VA State Police Refuse to Rule out Door-to-Door Enforcement of Suppressor Ban – IOTW Report

VA State Police Refuse to Rule out Door-to-Door Enforcement of Suppressor Ban


During a Monday morning phone conversation, the Virginia State Police public relations department did not rule out knocking doors to enforce a suppressor ban.

Breitbart News called the Virginia State Police and noted Democrats are passing legislation to ban various firearm accessories. We specifically mentioned the suppressor ban which is currently moving through the state legislature and asked if, “Virginia State Police will go door-to-door to get those.”

The public relations official did not respond with a direct answer “yes” or “no” on going door-to-door. Rather, she said, “[No laws] have gone into effect, no laws have been formalized or finalized.” read more

25 Comments on VA State Police Refuse to Rule out Door-to-Door Enforcement of Suppressor Ban

  1. the police … ‘we obey those that sign our paychecks’

    understand, it’s basic human nature … the present society’s survival is secondary to my, & my family’s, survival

  2. I wonder how many of those unionized government employees remember the oath they took to uphold the Constitution? When I was in the Army we were always reminded that it was out duty to disobey unlawful orders and we were admonished that we could be prosecuted for obeying them. Just ask those fine gentlemen who Danced the Danny Deever at Nuremberg how “following orders” worked out.

  3. They can’t do this, period. Fourth Amendment.

    A citizen who is at risk of unlawful search (preferably one who has a longish private driveway and/or a house enclosed with a gate, that the cops without a warrant or probable cause clearly would have to enter) needs to file suit the moment such is announced .

  4. Governor Black Face isn’t going to be satisfied until some people are killed. If Virginia is the same as California, Sheriffs are the chief law enforcement agent for their counties. They have the power to keep state law enforcement out of their counties.

  5. How about we worship our paychecks instead of the Creator. Be very careful or there could be a noose waiting for you. Your paycheck will be in your pocket as the trap door falls.

  6. They are purposefully pushing people’s limits with the edicts that they are passing. They are hoping to start some shit and have some rightwinger meltdown so that they can use this for the pretext of being right about guns. So don’t shoot till they step foot inside your house. Thank God I kept all my guns and that dynamite.

  7. The guards. That volunteered at Treblinka. Will only follow orders. To herd the “residents”. To the gas chambers.

    Oh, no!? There must be some mistake! They are honorable men! They are heroes! They told us so.

  8. @Lance o Lot February 10, 2020 at 9:04 pm

    > who Danced the Danny Deever at Nuremberg

    Nuremberg was the glorious humiliation, torture, and killing, of prisoners, after victory.

    What “patriots” are going to defy “their” rulers? The surrendered do not set the terms.

  9. …when they come, heed Solzhenitsyn’ advice…

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago

  10. …or the Clash’s…

    “When they kick at your front door
    How you gonna come?
    With your hands on your head
    Or on the trigger of your gun?
    When the law break in
    How you gonna go?
    Shot down on the pavement
    Or waiting in death row
    You can crush us
    You can bruise us
    But you’d have to answer to
    Oh, the guns of Brixton”
    – Paul Gustave Simonon

  11. did you hear the one about the california psychiatrist hoarding suppressors from online purchases?
    “He denied knowing that purchasing and owning an unregistered suppressor was illegal, indicating that if he was able to purchase it online, it ‘must be legal.’”
    tomorrow the judge is going to silence him.
    oh, and that meth he has, that’s a prescription
    nothing to see here folks. move along!

  12. Anonymous FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 12:54 AM
    “@Supernightshade February 11, 2020 at 12:19 am

    > …when they come, heed Solzhenitsyn’ advice…

    Protip: Don’t listen to the losers for advice on winning.”

    …you are correct, Solzhenitsyn lost BIG time.

    But, unlike Democrats, he did an unflinching analysis of WHY.

    If you read the quote, he says they were sheep, when they SHOULD have been wolves.

    And that’s why they DESERVED to be arrested and sent to camps and owned by the Government, because they did not EARN their freedom.

    …Will WE? Are WE to let the VHP beat down our doors and search our closets and our drawers for an ever-increasing list of banned items? Will WE meekly put our hands up to be put in police vans and transported away for our interment and re-education? Will WE simply cower in fear every time we hear a door slam during periods of mass arrest?

    …we shall soon see.

    …Solzhenitsyn says what they did, did NOT work. He recommends a course of action that would have deprived the Government of its teeth. His people lacked the courage to do it.

    Do OURS?

    …again, we shall see, and sooner than you expect, perhaps.

    What will YOU do when the hand of the Law falls on YOUR shoulder because your existence has offended some Democrat Pharisee?

    …Solzhenitsyn, the loser, tells us what HE did. Will YOU be a WINNER?

    …once more, we shall see…

  13. @Supernightshade February 11, 2020 at 6:49 am

    > …Solzhenitsyn, the loser, tells us what HE did. Will YOU be a WINNER?
    > …once more, we shall see…

    No. If I “win” — there will be nothing to “see”.

  14. This is going to be the spark. Whoever they had better have their life insurance paid up. If they get away with taking suppressors we all know what is next. Put ALL the State police on notice!!!!! PUBLISH all their home addresses and the home addresses of ALL their family members. Do not make any threats. having their addresses published might be the shot across the bow that they need to back off. In addition all the Addresses of all the politicians who vote for this stuff. Including the Governor and Lt Governor and the Attorney general both official and personal and their family member as well.

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