Vaccine Propaganda – The Shot Cured My Mental Illness – IOTW Report

Vaccine Propaganda – The Shot Cured My Mental Illness


A Bainbridge Island man’s world was turned upside down after he developed a crippling case of psychosis following his recovery from COVID-19.

“Somewhere along the way back I was exposed to somebody with the virus,” Agerton said, adding that he spent 14 days in quarantine after testing positive for the virus. But what happened next was completely unexpected. “Received a spam call. It was a call and hang up, and like a light switch this paranoia took over me.”

Agerton was suffering from auditory hallucinations while hearing people outside. He believed that people were watching him from every car that drove by.

For 48 hours, he struggled alone with his paranoia and hearing voices until he finally told his wife, Emily, about his battle.

After getting advice from a friend who was a nurse, the couple decided to visit a hospital emergency room.

The symptoms included paranoid delusions and auditory hallucinations.

“My rational mind was still intact,” he said. “I was thinking this can’t be happening; this isn’t real.”

A recent study out of the University of Oxford found that nearly one-in-five people diagnosed with COVID-19 received a psychiatric diagnosis within the next three months. Data shows that ne in four of those patients had not had a psychiatric diagnosis before contracting the virus.

Zantop said Agerton was never violent or suicidal but he was paranoid.

“Two weeks after that I was reading a headline of some raid somewhere and it retriggered the paranoia,” he said, adding that he returned to the Swedish Behavioral Health Unit, where he was placed on new medications. He remained at the center for eight to nine days. “Then I got my vaccine, and once I had the vaccine about two days after I really started feeling much better.”



A Miracle!!!!!! What a wonderful drug. Or whatever it is.

ht/ illustr8r

16 Comments on Vaccine Propaganda – The Shot Cured My Mental Illness

  1. My 2 Cents
    NOVEMBER 19, 2021 AT 12:39 PM
    “I wonder if the jab can cure climate change? My money says yes.”

    Of COURSE it does, by killing off humans who aren’t ME so they can’t cause Global Warming! NOW you’re getting it! But since you’re smart, you have to die, sorry.

    MY money’s on Population Reduction.

    And I have a LOOOOOOOOOT of money…

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  3. stop2think
    NOVEMBER 19, 2021 AT 12:48 PM
    “Well, Bill Gates still has a horrible haircut, so the jab’s ability to right an insane mind is limited.”

    Pay attention, prole! I didn’t get it, it’s for killing people who are NOT me!

    I can buy and sell you, but I think I’ll have my Chinese subsidiary sell you organ by organ instead.

    Teach you to crack on my hair, you surplus population person you…

  4. “A recent study out of the University of Oxford found that nearly one-in-five people diagnosed with COVID-19 received a psychiatric diagnosis within the next three months.”
    One-in-five? Are you sure? Where did you pull THAT number from?
    Most likely (if truth be told) one-in-5000, or even one-in-50,000.


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