Vaccines against Vaccines? – IOTW Report

Vaccines against Vaccines?

Moderna Is Trying to Create an Infinite Money Source by Developing “Vaccines” for Diseases Caused by Its Previous “Vaccines.”

17 Comments on Vaccines against Vaccines?

  1. Not only do they want to make more money by having the government ‘provide’ free “vaccinations” (after the gov buys their complete inventory), but they need to keep their supporters/sycophants alive.

  2. And all the horrors of the vaccines against vaccines will then require yet newer vaccines, and so on.

    “Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em,
    And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.”
    – Augustus De Morgan

  3. leon
    THURSDAY, 4 APRIL 2024, 12:06 AT 12:06 PM

    “…wicked minds work alike.”

    …one of the devils greatest frustrations is that he is not creative; he can not make, he can only corrupt God’s creations.

    This causes the devil to do the only thing he CAN do, which is repeat the same evil over and over again, as he has done from his first corruption in the Garden and will do until the Judgement Trump rings out.

    This is why his minions don’t like history, even modern history, or truthful reporting of any kind.

    If you know the past you can see his pattern, and expose his simple tricks for the lies that they are and always have been.

    That’s what this is. The same trick recycled for a modern audience.

    And that’s why they took the media and are working so ardently to take your speech, and why they will lock you up to shut you down, so your truth doesn’t spoil their master’s tricks.

    But the other reason the devil repeats is that it WORKS.

    There is always a new generation he has taught to violate the 5th Commandment and refuse to learn from their elders.

    And that’s where he has had the greatest success he has had since convincing Eve “Ye shall not surely die”.

    Because it is the doom of men that they forget.

  4. Developing “Vaccines” for Diseases Caused by Its Previous “Vaccines.”
    Wow, welcome to this circle of hell.
    Has anyone beside myself seen the movie, In the Mouth of Madness? Because it seems to be the scrip our government is operating by.

  5. SNS, Now do the Muppet version of There was an old lady who swallowed a fly with Judy Collins from the Muppet Show from the late 70’s. At the end when she swallowed a horse it was too late of course, and she exploded. I love Statler and Waldorf making snarky comments in between the verses.


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