Val Jar Paid Over Half a Million to Grift for Obama – IOTW Report

Val Jar Paid Over Half a Million to Grift for Obama

Chicago Sun Times

Fundraising for the Obama Presidential Foundation dipped in 2021 to $159.6 million, according to records released Thursday, which also showed the $592,905 compensation paid last year to its chief executive officer, Valerie Jarrett, who served as a top adviser in the Obama White House.

Information regarding the Obama Foundation — about its finances, programs and progress in building the Obama Center in Jackson Park — was disclosed in its annual report and Internal Revenue Service Form 990 covering the year 2021. The foundation also released a list of new donors. The IRS 990 is required to be filed annually by tax-exempt organizations. More

14 Comments on Val Jar Paid Over Half a Million to Grift for Obama

  1. So that is how corruption works. Deferred Compensation. The payoff comes AFTER the criminals leave office, in the form of “Presidential Libraries”, that have no limits on salaries and consulting fees. It’s the perfect money laundering scheme. Looks like it is even better than the phony book deals.

  2. Americans sat in their La-Z-Boys, (furiously) stroking their well oiled guns, when Obama was installed a second time.

    Just swallow, already. We all (already) know you want to.

  3. Valjar is the President. The Kenyan Queer was just as big a cardboard cutout as the Pedo. Just more clean, articulate and storybook man.

    He spent eight years golfing and throwing parties while Valjar ran the WH. They spent 4 years in their DC compound stratigizing how to remove PDJT by refining the cheat codes that failed Hillezbub.

    Valjar is the bagman and minder appointed by Soros who in turn runs the US arm of the globalist cabal. It was Soros and ValJar’s Shitcongo regime that elevated the half black messiah from a lazy state backbencher to POTUS.

    She was born into wealth and has billions tucked away. It’s not about wealth with her, its about serving Lucifer. The Iranian bitch is the reason behind why we are so actively assisting Iran become a nuclear country.

    Why Mossad has allowed this bitch to run rampant for so long is a mystery to me.

    But don’t get it twisted, she is the President for her third term.


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