Valedictorian’s Mic Cut When School Realizes She’s About To Talk About Topic Decreed Verboten – IOTW Report

Valedictorian’s Mic Cut When School Realizes She’s About To Talk About Topic Decreed Verboten


ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on Valedictorian’s Mic Cut When School Realizes She’s About To Talk About Topic Decreed Verboten

  1. Is a valedictory speech at a graduation the appropriate forum to be bringing up politicized SJW activist issues, whether sex assault victimology, or gun control, or immigration, or whatever?

  2. What janitor said^^^^

    Kids, this is why so many schools are doing away with class valedictorians. It’s not so much that schools are trying to belittle academic achievement by banning valedictorians, it’s that the David Hoggs of the schoolyard think that every gathering of twenty or more people requires their soapbox.

  3. LCD-

    Yeah, I can go with that too.

    I’m not militant about this topic.

    I just get a kick out of how some people can vacillate between yawns and outrage depending on what they are not letting the speaker say.

    Shouldn’t the point that has to be ironed out be about whether a school can cut the mic or not? If you allow them to pick and choose you know we lose.
    We’ve seen the mic cut on just about everyone that wants to speak about Jesus, and we get rightly pissed.
    Finally, the mic is cut on a SJW and her pet topic and people are left wondering why this is even a story.

  4. I too am surprised they even had a valedictorian for the class, the rest of class must have had a real blow to their ego’s and self esteem that one of them was chosen by virtue of their hard work to be singled out for their achievement.
    where’s the trophy for the rest of the class ?

  5. Well the reason why an SJW’s mic getting cut is fun is because they are allowed to spout SJW stuff whenever, without interruption, while a non-SJW is not. It’s a rare sight.

    And like some others have pointed out, this chick and the school had an agreement beforehand and she broke it. Mic cut. SJW or non SJW, tough cookies.

    Also, knock the speech down to 1 minute. Boring as hell, anyway. lol

  6. The speech is typically submitted beforehand. The school advised her that local law enforcement, other student’s right to privacy, did not want her to speak out on this.

    She decided that she could break agreements and do whatevah. Pretty stoopit for a valedictorian. Hope her first choice for college rescinds her admission.

  7. Real questions without sarcasm – were the accusations of assault(s) proven? Were there possibly false accusations made and an innocent persons life ruined?
    One persons right to free speech does not override another persons right to privacy.
    Just as one persons right to privacy does not override another persons right to life.

  8. I’m happy to see the SJWs get their mics cut.
    I’m just as unhappy when they do it to our side.
    She could care less about sexual violence, it was just an excuse for going off on guys, and the school.
    If it was their sports stars, I absolutely believe they protect their athletes and allow them to do anything short of murder.
    Mostly, public schools are run by the worst people in your community, and people whom were in any other social position, you wouldn’t allow within 10-feet of your kids.


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