Valentina Gomez Pushes All the Right Buttons – IOTW Report

Valentina Gomez Pushes All the Right Buttons

First, a nice video montage of the Republican candidate for Missouri Secretary of State, Valentina Gomez. [language warning] Watch

Now a profile of the candidate from the Washington Examiner. Here

Finally, a few examples of the media’s scurrilous attacks on Gomez. Here Here and Here

12 Comments on Valentina Gomez Pushes All the Right Buttons

  1. I follow her on Instagram. Her first video I thought she might be a parody. She’s not. She has some money behind her. She’s fought of a couple big lawsuits. And now she going ape shit with bill boards. You should see the video she released today targeting Hollywood. It’s spot on. I’d vote for her. A couple times.

  2. The role of conservative women, conservative blacks, and conservative Hispanics will be crucial in the fight to wrestle America back from the fools and knaves now running and destroying it.

  3. She’s got my vote on Tuesday.
    No doubt about it.

    I’m sick of milquetoast, lying, sniveling, RINO cocksuckers pretending to be Americans and humans.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Wow, she seems to have the right stuff
    I hope and pray she is not another false hope.
    She does not need a language warning because the Demoncrat and RINO butt smellers and hair sniffers put that language in the grade school libraries without warnings. So happy to see a real ‘babe’ running for office.


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